Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wednesday Wake Up #19

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season to be jolly. It's a nice lyric. I don't know anyone who wants to be around a Scrooge type of person during what many call the "most wonderful time of the year" where we are "walkin' in a winter wonderland." But there has to be more about this season than just being jolly. This is the season (in conjunction with Thanksgiving) where many people want to donate their time to the homeless and the less fortunate. Now is a great time to start. I am 100% in favor of that. My hope and aim is that we can do more than just be jolly and joyful and loving during this season. I mean think about it, what if God only answered our prayers during holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas? He loves us all the time (1 John 4:19). We need to be loving all the time to Him and then to others as well because that is how people know we are disciples (followers) of Christ (John 13:34-35).

Psalm 41:1 teaches us that we are blessed for being considerate to the poor. This does not just mean the poor in finances. But, it can also mean the poor in spirit, the poor in health, in relationships. Another word used to replace poor was weak. That does not only cover finances. It covers those who need a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear and a loving heart. It covers those who are sick in hospitals. It covers those going through a rough relationship time as well. It covers the emotionally and spiritually weak. The following verses tell us that there are promises of being sustained by the Lord in our sickbed (we get weak too). The Lord keeps us alive and restores us to full health. We don't do these loving acts because of what we get out of it from God, but we do loving things because we love.

And we can't forget about being joyous during these times. But what are we joyful about? Is it because we love the season and the cold and the fireplace being lit with hot cocoa in our hands? Those are nice things and are very comforting, but are we forgetting to give thanks to God for those nice times that we can have that are very relaxing? We can take for granted the lifestyles we have grown accustomed to, while completely overlooking the provider for us. It's like we only want to thank God when things are going well, but we are to thank God in all circumstances and always be joyous and pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We can't focus on the season without looking at the creator of the season. Can we?

Overall, God wants us to do these wonderful things at all times not just during certain days or months or holidays. He wants us to see Him first (Matthew 6:33). Let us remember to give to others and love others as God loved us first.


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