Thursday, December 31, 2015

Romans 7: Released from the Law

Released from the Law

Since we have committed ourselves to following Christ and have accepted him as our Lord and Savior, we are no longer bound to the expected rigid perfection of the law. The Law is not about grace or love, it is about complete or incomplete. It is about did you or did you not. While we are free of the law, we are not free to sin as we did prior to following Christ.

The example Paul uses to describe this idea is marriage and widows and being an adulteress. The old way of living has to die to us in other words we have to become widows so to speak to our old way of living. And we cannot be linked to the old way while trying to be with the brand new similarly to a woman who is married cannot be with another man until her husband is deceased or she would be an adulteress. It is one or the other, not both. One leads to death and the other redemption with God (Romans 7:1-6).

Paul also recognizes that he wants to do the right thing in his mind, but his body want to do the wrong thing. Paul knows that the flesh wants to do the wrong thing and it is the Holy Spirit that leads us to do what is right in regards to loving God. For all those who think they can just be good people and that is all it is, then why can't good people be good all the time? If they themselves possess that ability then they should never get it wrong and no one should ever be upset with them because they are always doing the right thing. Since I (Kingman) am not a good person I know that I need the Holy Spirit to guide me to do what is godly as apart from the Holy Spirit my flesh also wants to say thing and do things that I know are not of God (Romans 7:7-25).


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Wake Up #20

Facing Temptation

It's tough out there. Temptation is around every corner. You could just be driving to work and listening to the radio and a song could come on and tempt you to do something that is not easy for you to resist. It happens to me, often. It may not be a song, it might be music, a TV show or a movie. Sometimes it is a just a random thought that pops in my head. Just a thought.What I do with that thought is whether I win the battle over the temptation or I lose. The choice is in my control.

In Proverbs 25:28 it says "A man without self control is like a city broken into and left without walls." To me, that is deep. Imagine that the United States of America had literally no defenses set up. No aircraft carriers in the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean. No Army. No Navy. No Marines. No Air Force. Nothing. NOTHING!!! Do you know how easy it would be for another country to invade us everyday? Well, thankfully we are protected. The government set up years ago (as many governments do) a system of what to do if an invasion attempt was made. They set up defenses far in advance rather than wait until an attack comes. Well, shouldn't we do the same? Our minds must be protected. Our minds must be focused on what is godly. Even if it feels right and natural to us, it doesn't mean that it is (Proverbs 14:12). Check your beliefs against what Scripture says about it. Far in advance, focus on bible verses like the ones highlighted in this paragraph, or check out Romans 6. It outlines how we as Christ followers should be thinking even when in the face of sin and ways that we behaved before we believed in Christ.

Sin pulls us away from God. That plays into what Satan wants. He is not God's friend, but God's enemy. So when it is tempting to cut down someone and curse them out, that plays into Satan's plans for your life. When you are tempted to watch an adult film, or harm your body with drugs, or eat poorly or whatever it is, that pulls you away from being in God's will. What does a life look like when you are out of God's will? Problems, problems and more problems. Relational problems with family and friends. Extreme amounts of stress in trying to deal with everything that is going on. Those things that we did before we were believers need to be dead such as idolatry like your possessions, lust, covetousness, etc (Colossians 3:5-6).

To arm our selves with the army, navy, marines and air force of our spirit and mind, we need to put on the full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20). Focusing our minds on what is of God and what is pleasing to Him. We also need to be careful of who we are hanging pout with, I recently reread Proverbs 1:10 which reminded me of a life change I had almost 20 years ago when I was hanging with the wrong crowd. I was hanging with sinners who did not know God and were enticing me to do wrong and I fell for a long time. It took me to be in my 30's before I realized I needed to break away from certain types of people. As I grow in my faith I need to be around those who are Holy Spirit minded and filled and led. 


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Romans 6: Dead to Sin, Alive to God

Dead to Sin, Alive to God

I know that my sins are forgiven, but there are time where since I know that I "take advantage" of that and take for granted the forgiveness. That has to be put in check through the Holy Spirit. I have to do what is honoring to God because why would I want to do Him wrong? I love God, so to continue sinning and living a lifestyle of sin would be doing god's forgiveness an injustice. You don't cheat on your wife because she loves you and "let's you." If you love someone you treat them with respect and do things that honor them and your relationship with them. That is how we need to look at our relationship with God (Romans 6:1-4). 

When Jesus died for our sins, our sinful ways were supposed to go with him, not give us the open door to keep sinning since we are forgiven anyway. But that is how we tend to think. We are humans and not always as loving to God as He would like. No one always gets it right, but when we focus on doing what God would want then that helps us stay connected to His will.I was reading Proverbs 1 with a friend earlier and stopped at Proverbs 1:10 and found myself giving a testimony as to how that verse led me further away from my former life and the friends I had when i was 18 years old/19 years old. We have to die to our old ways of sin even if the world says it is okay. Just because it is legal doesn't mean that God wants you to do it (Romans 6:5-14).

We must become slaves to righteousness. God's will should take the number one spot in your life. If that spot was held before by reality TV, social media and other things that we feel we cannot do with out, let what God wants be the new way of thinking. Just like the picture above, let the old you die and let the new you live in Christ (Romans 6:15-23).


Monday, December 28, 2015

Romans 5: Peace, Endurance and Adam

Peace, Endurance and Adam

Romans 5:1 shows us that in Jesus there is peace. It does not bring strife and problems, but peace. Think of the problems that you have had in life. How many have been because being Christ centered was not the focus, either from you or other person/people? I know I have had plenty of situations occur and more to come that need the focus of what is Christ like. I cannot control others and their words and actions, but I do have self control through the Holy Spirit. That Holy Spirit is part of that peace that exists in Christ and when we are Christ centered. The peace with God comes through our acceptance of Jesus.

In Romans 5:3-5, things get kind of tricky from an outsider perspective. To read or hear the words "rejoice in our sufferings" sounds like be glad when things go horribly wrong. But there is more to it. The secular way to look at it is the "every cloud has a silver lining" saying, but from the God perspective we know that what we experience is an opportunity for us to grow in Him if we seek His will for our lives. I wish I could tell you the plethora of times that things went horribly wrong in my finances, work life, relationships, etc and how when I changed the focused to "what does God want from me in this", it gave me clarity which through actions because of my faith in Christ led me to a better situation. Through that suffering I developed endurance for problems. That endurance keeps me from falling apart when things start to go bad. In other words I am not giving up when problems arise. That endurance has produced character which is how I present myself when I am with others. One might say, "he isn't a quitter" and that is due to the problems I have had to endure and did not give up on when I encountered them. And through that character I have developed by dealing with issues from a God's will perspective hope is produced. That way I know when issues happen I am hopeful that doing God's will and not my own will produce fruit.

Adam is the father of all mankind. But, from Adam, Eve was created and Adam followed Eve's lead to bite from the apple that the serpent tempted her to eat. Therefore, in Romans 5:12-13 Paul shows us that through Adam sin was brought into the world, but through Christ, for those who follow him, that sin is not counted against you. Before Jesus then you would basically have to be perfect and never break commands or laws or anything so that God copuld be pleased, but even that isn't done out of love but obedience and obedience does not equate to love but love brings forth obedience.When we stop "religifying" our faith we see the freedom in Christ, not the perceived shackles from the secular perspective.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Romans 4: Works vs. Faith

Works vs. Faith

There was a belief that works provided salvation more so than faith. But as Paul has explained in Romans 4, by Abraham's example, his actions (such as circumcision) came from his faith in God. People (Pharisees and religious leaders) had things twisted. Paul explains to them that it was not Abraham's circumcision that made him faithful to God, but his faith in God is what led to him to be circumcised.

The same goes with us. It is not our works that will save us and give us salvation. We are blessed to have Jesus save us from the death of our sins so that we could be redeemed to God (Romans 4:7-8), before him people had to have faith in God as is. God had not sent Jesus yet so Abraham could not follow Jesus as the disciples could or as you and I can. But that still did not keep Abraham from having faith in God who came to later in human form as Jesus.

You can go to church every day of the week. You can feed every homeless person. You can care for every orphan and widow and  visit the sick, but without faith in God those works do not symbolize anything about the Kingdom of Heaven. As we will read later in James 2:26, faith without works is dead as the body is dead apart from the spirit.


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Romans 3:23-25- Falling Short and Being Redeemed

Falling Short and Being Redeemed

There are far too many verses in scripture that we know and understand when we hear them, but we do not get the full context. Romans 3:23 is one of them for me. It tells us that we all fall short of the glory of God. This verse has been used to further one's personal agenda outside of Christ. It has been used to say we all sin (which is true) but it does not tell the rest of the story. It's like saying we all fail and that's it. End of story. It can also be comforting to know that we all fail and that you are not alone when you sin as we all sin. But what about after that?

We have to understand the context that Paul was telling fellow Jews that they were not better than others. This is in line with what Christ taught to Pharisees who were hypocrites and thought they were better than others. Righteousness does not come from obeying God's laws (such as the ten commandments). Righteousness comes from doing God's will out of loving obedience. As I have stated before, in relationships (like dating and marriage) we don't keep ourselves from cheating simply because it is not the right thing to do. Look at the essence of why it wouldn't be right. We don't cheat because of love. We love the other person. We are honoring the other person and our relationship and ourselves. But, ultimately, we should not cheat because we would be sinning against God. Righteousness is through love of God which is outside the law (ten commandments).

But how do you get redeemed to God after sinning. That redemption comes from Jesus. If you accept Jesus, the redemption comes. His blood was shed so that we don;t have to be a human sacrifice for our sins. Sin causes death in at least 2 ways: spiritual and physical. Spiritually i am separated by God when I am outside His will. Physically when I sin I could die like if I were to do drugs or something like that. So, if you sin like I do on a daily basis, you are 1) not alone and 2) redeemed to God through accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior knowing that he died for your sins.


Friday, December 25, 2015

Friday Focus #19

What Does the Birth of Jesus Mean?

As we celebrate Christmas today, let us remember why we as Christ followers are celebrating. Do we even know what we are celebrating or have we changed the meaning behind our celebration? Is it about Santa Claus and presents? Is it about an evergreen covered in lights and decorations? Or is it truly about celebrating the birth of the one you call your Lord and Savior?

We know the details of Jesus being born found in Matthew 1:18-2:23, but what about his blood line? Look at his bloodline and the great men and women in it in Matthew 1:1-17. But there were also sins among those great men and women. There was adultery, lies and murder. But, while men will say your past defines you and hold you in contempt of bad decisions, the love of God through the redeeming blood of Christ does not. Our sins are washed away and we are seen clean and pure in God's eyes (1 John 1:7). We must walk with Christ seeking what his will is in our life. Jesus was doing God's will while being God in human form. He did not come to us in a large palace and desire a bunch of attention. It was a very humble setting in a barn that many of us wouldn't stay in if it was the last place on earth.

With the birth of Jesus there were prophecies that came true. In Isiah 7:14 promised a virgin birth. In Psalm 2:7 there is a reference to the Jesus being referred to as the son of God which was fulfilled when we read Matthew 3:16-17. There was a even a prophecy that the messiah would be a sacrifice for sin which we see through the death of Jesus (Romans 5:6-8).

If Jesus wasn't born he never could have died. Through his death we are redeemed through him to God for Heaven in the after life if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior (Ephesians 1:7-10). Our sin separates us from God, but by accepting Jesus we get to reconnect with God. So as you celebrate Christmas, think of and reflect on the reason why you celebrate. Is it the jolly man in the red suit or is the Son of God who suited to shed his red (blood) for us?


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Romans 2: God's Righteous Judgment and the Law

God's Righteous Judgment and the Law

It is all too easy to hear what someone has done or see what someone is doing and judge them for it. Not just judge the action, but judge the person as a whole. I know it is hard to stop doing for some or even many of us, but it happens. We hear that someone got a DUI, we judge them and call them a drunk. We see people who get into trouble and label them thugs. We judge all the time and it seems like people can never shake that label that we place on them. But, God has not labeled people thugs and drunks. God's righteous judgment is not based on following rules. That is the earthly way of thinking. We follow God's laws based on our love for him.

In Romans 1 we read about the types of people and the characteristics that will bring on God's wrath. For Paul's audience, they have had heard what he said and read what he wrote and found themselves to be very proud that they were not those people who were gossips, prideful, homosexual, heartless and ruthless. But, Paul seeks to set them straight by pointing out that the same ones who are proud to not be "like the others" are just like the others. Paul says in Romans 2:1, "For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things." If you know the law and do not keep it, then you have no right to tell someone else that they are wrong for not keeping it. If I stood before the judge for a speeding ticket and that same judge tried to maximize my fine and give me jail time while having a speeding issues of his/her own, then I would not respect that judge because they too know the law and have to uphold it while holding me in contempt for my mistake or bad decision. This is what the Pharisees did. They knew the law and help people to that standard while over looking their own failures.

We know in Romans 2:11 that God shows no partiality when it comes to nationality, race or color of skin or nation of origin. We also must know that if you have sinned without the law (God's law of love Him and loving others and being redeemed through Christ) then you die without the law. And if you sin under the law, you will be judged under the law (Romans 2:12).


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wednesday Wake Up #19

'Tis the Season

'Tis the season to be jolly. It's a nice lyric. I don't know anyone who wants to be around a Scrooge type of person during what many call the "most wonderful time of the year" where we are "walkin' in a winter wonderland." But there has to be more about this season than just being jolly. This is the season (in conjunction with Thanksgiving) where many people want to donate their time to the homeless and the less fortunate. Now is a great time to start. I am 100% in favor of that. My hope and aim is that we can do more than just be jolly and joyful and loving during this season. I mean think about it, what if God only answered our prayers during holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas? He loves us all the time (1 John 4:19). We need to be loving all the time to Him and then to others as well because that is how people know we are disciples (followers) of Christ (John 13:34-35).

Psalm 41:1 teaches us that we are blessed for being considerate to the poor. This does not just mean the poor in finances. But, it can also mean the poor in spirit, the poor in health, in relationships. Another word used to replace poor was weak. That does not only cover finances. It covers those who need a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear and a loving heart. It covers those who are sick in hospitals. It covers those going through a rough relationship time as well. It covers the emotionally and spiritually weak. The following verses tell us that there are promises of being sustained by the Lord in our sickbed (we get weak too). The Lord keeps us alive and restores us to full health. We don't do these loving acts because of what we get out of it from God, but we do loving things because we love.

And we can't forget about being joyous during these times. But what are we joyful about? Is it because we love the season and the cold and the fireplace being lit with hot cocoa in our hands? Those are nice things and are very comforting, but are we forgetting to give thanks to God for those nice times that we can have that are very relaxing? We can take for granted the lifestyles we have grown accustomed to, while completely overlooking the provider for us. It's like we only want to thank God when things are going well, but we are to thank God in all circumstances and always be joyous and pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We can't focus on the season without looking at the creator of the season. Can we?

Overall, God wants us to do these wonderful things at all times not just during certain days or months or holidays. He wants us to see Him first (Matthew 6:33). Let us remember to give to others and love others as God loved us first.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Romans 1: God's Wrath on Unrighteousness

Righteous and Unrighteousness

In today's world there is a belief that righteous and unrighteousness can be understood outside of the word of God. The infallible word of God shows us what it is to be righteous and to do righteous things as well as what it is to be in unrighteousness. In Romans 8:16-17, Paul explains to us that he is not ashamed of the Gospel (of Christ) and it brings salvation (the ticket to Heaven) for those who believe in Christ, no matter what race or ethnicity. Because of our faith that is how we are classified as righteous. We don't just believe and follow Christ and keep doing what we were doing and living as we lived before we followed Christ. Our faith in him is just the beginning, as through faith we will be driven by the Holy Spirit to do good things to honor God.

Now here comes the part that the world will disagree with. I write this in conjunction with my reading and learning not ton condemn, but to share what I have learned and show from where said learning was delivered. Unrighteousness brings about God's wrath. Those who are unrighteous bring forth that wrath because they suppress the truth. Paul goes on to tell us that even though people knew or knew of God, they did not honor God as God nor did they thank him. God gave people up to their own desires since they were not bringing honor to God anyway. So, even though something that fills your heart and mind seems brought on by God, it may not be if it isn't God honoring. You could just be getting what you wanted  and there fore your path will self destruct (Romans 1:18-24).

In verses 26-31, Paul shows us what kind of characteristics in people he is referring to. He starts off with those engaged in homosexual activity. While I have heard and read differing takes on the Bible and homosexuality, none of them match up to the other sections in terms of the Bible not being opposed to homosexuality. People have said "Jesus didn't say anything about being gay." But, Jesus also didn't specifically say anything about bestiality or marrying your cousin, but no one brings that up. The world wants to normalize and feel good about homosexuality and calls our Bible antiquated while over looking the spirit of their hearts and the real reason they feel that way. Paul tells us that they were given up to hate and evil and malice and gossip and deceit. God wants you to seek Him and put Him and His word first. When we don't do that, things will fall apart.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Acts 28: The Deity, The Healing, The Opposition

The Deity, The Healing, The Opposition

Upon being brought aboard land safely, they found that the island was called Malta. The native people there were very kind to Paul and his group. There was a moment when Paul had been bitten by a snake and did not become ill or have anything bad happen to him. The native people initially thought Paul was evil because he had been bitten, but since nothing bad happened after the snake bite, they considered him a God (Acts 28:1-6). And then we see Paul heal the chief man on the island and get honored for his actions (Acts 28:7-10). It's kind of interesting how in one moment people can perceive you one way and then praise you the next.

Upon arriving in Rome, Paul began to defend himself again pleading his case of innocence. But this time instead of being opposed, they met him with chances for open discussion. They said that there have been no letters from Judea and no one traveling with Paul had anything negative to say about him. They set up a day for Paul to speak and share the gospel and that he did (Acts 28:17-23). Some were convinced by what he said while others opposed (verse 24), but he was allowed to do so without any pressure from the Pharisees (verse 31). 


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Acts 27: The Storm and Shipwreck

The Storm and Shipwreck

While traveling at sea, a stormy wind called a northeaster struck the ship. They could not fight it and had to let it control them. Fear struck the men aboard as they thought they would run aground (crash) so they began to get rid of cargo one day. The next day they started to get rid of the ship's tackle. Many days passed and the storm persisted and the storm did not let up and they lost hope in being saved (Acts 27:13-20). 

In verse 21-26 Paul assures them that he has faith in the Lord as God has saved him from before in regard to being killed and imprisoned and being able to state his case before Caesar. In verses 30-32, some men wanted to jump ship but Paul let them know that if they did, they would not be saved and the men due to their trust in Paul cut away the small boat attached to the ship for just such situations. Paul continues to encourage the men and gather them together to eat. All in all there were 276 people and after they ate that lightened the ship as the threw the remains overboard. They eventually shipwrecked, but all men were saved just as Paul had stated in the Holy Spirit.

Overall, this all reminds me of Proverbs 3:5. The men did not want to trust in God or even speak to God, they just reacted to what seemed natural. Just because it seems like the best option, without consulting God, then it may not be an option for you at all. If those men had taken a small boat instead of a large ship that fit 276 people on it, then what good would a small boat be in that storm. When in fear, look to God. Ask Him for direction. Ask Him to lead. We can lean on our own feelings and make decisions, but it is not always the best way.


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Acts 26: Paul's Defense with Truth from His Story

Paul's Defense with Truth from His Story

King Agrippa let's Paul defend himself (again) and Paul tells his story. Before Paul starts telling his story, there is one thing he does twice that many of us would not do in this situation. He humbles himself. In verse 2, he says he considers himself fortunate to be in front of King Agrippa. And in verse 3, Paul once again expresses his humility by saying "I beg you to listen to me patiently." Paul would have every human right to be ticked off and yell and scream, but not once have we seen him during this ordeal lose his temper even after he was punched in Acts 23:1-5.

In verses 4-11, Paul retells his story of being a Pharisee and persecuting Christians and tried to make them blaspheme all to oppose the name of Jesus. Once again, Paul does something that many of us would not do. Paul "tells on himself." It wasn't that people didn't know what he had already done to oppose the name of Jesus, but he was humble (there is that word again) in seeking favor in the eyes of the court. Basically he is saying I did these horrible things as a Pharisee, but what you are accusing me of things that I did not do as a Christian (Christ follower).

In verses 12-23, Paul tells of his conversion. He says how the voice of God asked why Saul (Paul's former name) was persecuting him. He continues by further explaining that he was arrested and plotted against to be killed because he was telling people to repent and turn to God. His final words in his defense to Agrippa speak of unity in regards to the word being spread to Jews and Gentiles. Those words also acknowledge the Holy Spirit's involvement when Paul needed help. 

In verse 24, Festus tells Paul that his great learning is driving him out of his mind. The funny thing is, Festus did not really say anything with what he said. It is almost like he is a shock jock just saying something to incite the crowd. Paul almost converts Agrippa to become a Christian. He asks Agrippa is he believes the prophets. He asks this because if he were to ask Agrippa about Jesus, he might get defensive with his answer where when asked about the prophets he is more likely to welcome conversation. Paul says that aside from his chains he would want for all to be like him, having freedom in Christ. When they were done speaking, Agrippa and those sitting with him stated that he had done nothing wrong and could have been set free had he not appealed to Caesar (Acts 26:27-32).


Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Focus #18

What is Keeping You from Following Christ?

In our last 2 Wednesday and Friday posts, we have covered the young rich man and his willing inability to sell his possessions and follow Jesus. We also covered that just because you are rich it doesn't mean that you cannot follow Jesus. If the thinking says that you cannot be rich and be a man of God or follow Christ then I ask those people to look at the lives of Solomon, Abraham and others (click here to read more). But, outside of money, what are some things in our lives that keep us from seeing God's blessings in our lives. What are some things that draw your attention away from Jesus and keep you distracted?

For starters, maybe it is work. Have you ever heard of the term "workaholic"? This is person who works far too often. One might think that they enjoy that work, but sometimes workaholics feel compelled to do that. But, if you are constantly working, how can you have a Sabbath? That is just one of the commandments we need to adhere to. We need rest. We need to take that time away from everything else and just leave ourselves a day to reconnect with God and recharge our physical and spiritual batteries. Remember Luke 10:38-42 when Mary and Martha were hosting for Jesus's visit? Martha was upset with Mary who had sat to listen to Jesus's teachings. Martha had been so busy serving that she didn't stop to listen to the man that she was preparing for. We have to remember it isn't about everything we do, it is about our relationship with Jesus.

Another possible thing that keeps us from following Christ is our way of thinking. We have lived and believed a certain way for as long as we can remember, but that way of thinking is blocking the ability to see Jesus. It is blocking our ability to willfully follow Jesus. People conform to the patterns of the world and cannot see what is the will of God because they do not know enough about what is written in Scripture to test what is the will of God and what is not (Romans 12:2). People know of Jesus and his life and resurrection, but do they actually care about it? Scripture gets quoted out of context but the whole passage or the whole chapter is never read. T-shirts and hats are worn referring to Jesus as a homeboy, but there is no submission in the soul to do God's will and follow Christ. Is Jesus your homeboy or the Lord of your life? When the world is guiding you it makes it that much more difficult to be transformed by following Christ. Something's gotta give.

No matter what it is that is blocking our submission to God's will, it must go. If you want to have an abundant life in Christ then that will take a step on your part to not use will power but God's power to further your walk. You can make a bunch of decisions to stop watching ungodly films and listening to ungodly music, but why are you doing it? In relationships, do you stay faithful and not cheat because it is wrong or because you are committed and dedicated to the other person? Rituals and religion or relationship with Christ? The choice is yours!

To read more about what distracts us from God please click here.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Acts 25: Paul Before King Agrippa

Paul Before King Agrippa

The plot to kill Paul had not ceased. Festus knew that the Jews were still after Paul and told them to come with him and they could accuse Paul of whatever charges they had against him. Paul defended himself once again in verse 8 stating "Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar have I committed any offense." Still not being defensive nor accusing them of anything, Paul stands his ground again, not giving up.
Festus wanted to do the Jews a favor and have Paul tried in front of Caesar (since Festus himself was new at his job and didn't free Paul who could not be charged with any wrong doing). Paul had the right to appeal to Caesar, which he did exercise since Festus would not free him. Paul has stayed strong while fighting for his good name in the Holy Spirit. Festus stood before King Agrippa and told why they were there in regard to Paul's charges. Agrippa agreed to hear Paul out himself the next day. If you read through the chapter there is no mention of complaining or whining or verbally attacking others who were in the wrong. This man's soul has been in tune with God. 

Saturday we will continue with Acts 26.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Wake Up #18

With God All Things Are Possible

Last week we went through Matthew 19:16-22 and discussed the Young Rich Man and his walking away from following Jesus due to not wanting to sell his possessions and give to the poor and needy. We too can depend on earthly riches and affluence to enable a sense of security in life. We all need to make money to survive and not be homeless, but at some point we have survived, but lack faith in God to take care of our needs (Matthew 6:26).

After the young rich man walks away Jesus tells the disciples that it is hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Case in point was this man. We can look at our world today and see how many people who are rich or wealthy not giving their lives to Christ. Think of the celebrities and business owners of billion dollars companies that live in huge homes and own many properties, but would not stop to feed a homeless person. 

Jesus then says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. The rich focus on money often. It can control life. It is the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). You cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24). But you can serve God and be rich. The young rich man was not able to even see this. He only saw what he possessed. Jesus knew that the man loved his possessions which is why he told him to sell them. He didn't say leave them, he said sell them. That still could have left the man with enough money to be fine the rest of his life. We don't know that, but it is possible. He would rather hang on to everything (like a lot of us do but could do without).

Where is your heart? Is it focused on knowing Jesus and seeing what he did for you? Do you know what Jesus did for you? If you don't, then seek him and his will for your life. Are you going to continue to spend more energy on earthly riches and not storing up your treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-20)? It is time to see what abundant life God has for us by following Christ and letting go of our stuff.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Acts 24: Paul's Defense

Paul's Defense

Have you ever been accused or even falsely accused of something? It is not fun to have than done. I have had it from loved ones and even strangers. There is a way to handle these types of situations and the way Paul is very similar to that of Jesus. Jesus faced temptation in the desert and faced accusations from the Pharisees many times. He never got defensive, but he did defend himself with truth from scripture. Paul's defense here is not one of yelling and screaming and pointing fingers, but one of truth.

In verse 10 Paul "cheerfully" makes his defense while acknowledging the length of time Felix has been in power. To me it shows an initial sign or respect which sets the tone for how his defense will continue and end. In verses 11-13 Paul tells Felix that he can check any of the accusations that have been brought against him. In verses 14-19 Paul says what he is "guilty" of and still challenges the accusers to find him guilty of what they accuse him of. In the last sentence I wrote "guilty" because he had not done something wrong in the eyes of God but only in the eyes of the accuser. Paul verifies that he is guilty of worshiping the same God that the accusers worshiped. He says he is guilty of having hope in God, wanting to give alms to his nation and present offerings. He admits to being in the temple but being purified while there and then says challenges his accusers again. Paul was not afraid.

Paul was kept in custody and told by Felix that when Lysias the tribune comes then the case will be decided. Felix showed his greed by making Paul sit in custody for 2 years as that was Roman law and Felix had hoped for a bribe. For if Paul had offered Felix a bribe, Felix would have let him out.


Monday, December 14, 2015

Acts 23: Paul is Spared

Paul is Spared

In Acts 23:1-5, we see Paul get punched while being held down. The command to punch him came from the High Priest Ananias. Paul's response was an insult to whoever commanded the punch, but according to Exodus 22:28, Paul was wrong to insult a ruler of people. 

Then in Acts 23:6-11, Paul knows that the Sadducees and the Pharisees were divided on their stance of Paul's innocence and guilt, he lets the crowds know that he is a Pharisee. Because he believed in the resurrection of Christ (the dead being a risen is believed possible by Pharisees and not Sadducees), then he aligns himself with the Pharisees saying that he is one of them. The disagreements became violent and in order to keep Paul from being harmed he was moved. The next night he was told by God “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome (Acts 23:11).”

There was a plot to kill Paul and the Jews made an oath to not eat or drink until Paul was dead. Paul's nephew (his sister's son) found out about this and told Paul who had his nephew taken by the centurion to tell the tribune of what was waiting for him. Paul was then sent to Felix the Governor. A letter was accompanied with  Paul and those he was sent with explaining Paul's situation including his possible innocence (Acts 23:28-30). After the arrival, Felix decided not to charge Paul with anything until the accusers arrived and he could hear them out.

I learned from Paul's trials that when you are led by the Holy Spirit, keep going. I see Paul as an example of courage in the Spirit of God to keep pressing on even when it seems hopeless. I see God's hand guiding Paul the whole way. Have you ever taken the time to look back at life and see where God's hand was guiding you in accordance with the Bible?


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Acts 22: Paul Speaks and Meets with the Roman Council

Paul Speaks and Meets with the Roman Council

Paul retells his story of how he came to Christ and how he had been the one responsible for the death of Stephen. He retells how he was blinded and his sight was returned to him. Paul's baptism is believed to have happened shortly there after due to verse 16 and from there he would spread the word to the Gentiles. That further upset the Jews who did not think Gentiles were worthy of having Salvation.

When he was done speaking they still wanted to have Paul killed. And when they took Paul away to be scourged (whipped to death or even being crippled- just like Jesus was before his crucifixion). Paul then asks them if it is proper to scourge a Roman citizen without due process. The custom was not to even bind a Roman citizen without due process but they had done just that. After Paul tells them that he was born in Rome which makes him a citizen by birth and not by purchase (verses 27-28) they cannot scourge him. The next day he was unbound and brought before the council. Chapter 23 tells us more. We will be back tomorrow for that.