Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Romans 6: Dead to Sin, Alive to God

Dead to Sin, Alive to God

I know that my sins are forgiven, but there are time where since I know that I "take advantage" of that and take for granted the forgiveness. That has to be put in check through the Holy Spirit. I have to do what is honoring to God because why would I want to do Him wrong? I love God, so to continue sinning and living a lifestyle of sin would be doing god's forgiveness an injustice. You don't cheat on your wife because she loves you and "let's you." If you love someone you treat them with respect and do things that honor them and your relationship with them. That is how we need to look at our relationship with God (Romans 6:1-4). 

When Jesus died for our sins, our sinful ways were supposed to go with him, not give us the open door to keep sinning since we are forgiven anyway. But that is how we tend to think. We are humans and not always as loving to God as He would like. No one always gets it right, but when we focus on doing what God would want then that helps us stay connected to His will.I was reading Proverbs 1 with a friend earlier and stopped at Proverbs 1:10 and found myself giving a testimony as to how that verse led me further away from my former life and the friends I had when i was 18 years old/19 years old. We have to die to our old ways of sin even if the world says it is okay. Just because it is legal doesn't mean that God wants you to do it (Romans 6:5-14).

We must become slaves to righteousness. God's will should take the number one spot in your life. If that spot was held before by reality TV, social media and other things that we feel we cannot do with out, let what God wants be the new way of thinking. Just like the picture above, let the old you die and let the new you live in Christ (Romans 6:15-23).


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