Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Focus #17

It Won't Last Forever

When I was a kid I had heroes and role models. Most of them (if not all of them) were athletes. Nothing wrong with being an athlete, but there are people who define themselves and hang on to their job or social status. That becomes the most important thing to them. How they are viewed by others or how they see themselves becomes far more important than having a life that is Christ centered. Eventually that earthly glory fades. If you don't believe me then look at the careers of Kobe Bryant, Jerry Rice, Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods. It won't last. No matter what you have done, it does not define you. There is something far more important than earthly glory which is the sacrifice that Jesus made for you.

In the story of the young rich man (Matthew 19:16-22) we learn that a young rich man asks Jesus what Good deed he must do in order to have eternal life. Jesus questions the man's view of good and then tells him that you must keep the commandments and he gets specific into which ones. Then the man replies and says he has kept them all and he needed to know what else he needed to do in order to have eternal life. Jesus tells him to sell all his possessions and give to the poor. The young man heard that and turned away from Jesus sadly because he had a great number of possessions.

This begs the question, what is holding you back from following Christ wholeheartedly? Is it that you are more dependent upon earthly things than submitting to God's will in your life? What is getting in the way of a full dedication to following Christ? Is it it pride? Is it thinking that you are "good enough" for Heaven? There is no good enough when it comes to us. There is either walking with Christ or not. It is your decision, not one that people make for you. Don't be like the young rich man who would rather have what is earthly than that which is godly (Psalm 40:8).

On the next Wednesday Wake Up we will go through Matthew 19:23-30.


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