Thursday, December 3, 2015

Acts 15: The Two Splits and Fusion Attempt

The Two Splits and Fusion Attempt 

There were men telling the brothers of the church that only those who are circumcised can be saved. That completely overwrites what Christ did on the cross and what Paul and Barnabas had been teaching. Paul and Barnabas tried to persuade them through debate. That didn't work so they went to go speak with the elders and other apostles about the matter but they could not come to an agreement. There were those who were circumcised as the Pharisees were, but were also Christians and still believed that circumcision led to salvation. They were split (Acts 15:1-5).

During these debates, Peter spoke on the issues setting the focus on faith and not the acts of keeping the laws of Moses. Then Paul and Barnabas spoke up on the miracles they have seen and had done through God's will. The assembly fell silent and eventually James spoke and suggested to write to the Gentiles who had turned to God. The letters were to encourage them to flee sexual immorality and to abstain from anything polluted by false idols. The letters were also to create unity in that which was divided; the church (Acts 15:6-35).
Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement. They both wanted to visit the places where they preached the word of God and check up on the people. Barnabas wanted to take Mark, but Paul did not want to because Mark had withdrawn from them in Pamphylia. This is where the disagreement ensued and they both went their separate ways with Paul taking Silas with him and Barnabas taking Mark (Acts 15:36-41).

It is okay when we disagree with one another. It is the manner in which we disagree. In other words, what did you say and how did you say it? Where was your heart? Did you listen to what they had to say? Did you ask for clarification when you were not sure of something? We don't always have to be right and in this disagreement between Paul and Barnabas those types of questions would need to be asked in hopes that the relationship remain in tact rather than split for good.


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