Monday, August 31, 2015

Mark 9:35- Last of All, Servant of All

Last of All, Servant of All

I just finished reading through Mark 9 and then I decided to look up a couple of polls to see who people ranked as the greatest or most significant person in history (New Republic and Daily Mail UK). The answer may surprise you and then again, maybe it won't. I was thinking maybe someone who is super rich and wealthy like hip hop mogul a Jay-Z or a former president like George Washington. Well, I was wrong. In both of those polls and studies conducted, Jesus won. Jesus is seen as the greatest and most significant person of all time.

Jesus and the disciples were on their way to Capernum and when they had reached their location, Jesus asked them what they had been discussing on the way to Capernum. No one wanted to answer because they were discussing which of them were the greatest. Really?!?! That was on your mind? Well, that is my response, but that isn't the right response. Jesus informs them in verse 35 that if anyone is to be the greatest, he must be the least of all and the servant of all.

Think about that...the greatest must be the least of all and the servant of all. So, these words that were spoken over 2,000 years ago are still holding true. But, it isn't about doping things in order to get recognition, it is serving God by serving people, selflessly. Jesus did not die for our sins so that we could rank him #1 on the internet more than 2000 years later. He did that out of love. Now, I challenge you to show love to someone this week (aside from those you already are friends with).


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mark 8:34-38- Deny Yourself

Deny Yourself

In reading through Mark 8, a few verses jumped out to me. But, there is one section that really strikes a chord with me. Jesus said many things through his time on earth, but we misconstrue, twist and manipulate what he said. Maybe we do it for personal gain or we do it because we are just confused.

In verses 31-32, Jesus foretells his death and resurrection, and then in verse 34, Jesus goes on to tell people that they must "deny themselves" and "take up their cross and follow" him. If you are to deny yourself, as Christ meant it, it means you are concerned with what God wants from you, not what man wants from you. Man's ways are flawed as they seek personal gain and self promotion (take a look at selfies and social media). If you are to deny yourself, you are not looking to fulfill your motives, you are looking to fulfill God's desires.

Taking up the cross was not an act that was applauded, it was a death sentence. You had to carry the very thing that was going to be used to kill you for your crimes. Jesus carried his cross but was not guilty of any crime. Are you willing to be mocked and ridiculed and falsely accused and persecuted and bullied for following Christ?


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Mark 7:21-23- From Within

The old way of thinking was that if a person did not wash their hands before eating, then what ever they touched and then ate would defile their soul. Jesus said that this is not true. It was not about how you washed your hand or what you ate that would defile you, it was about what was in your heart, mind and soul and what came out of your mouth.

Your soul cannot be ruined by the food you eat. That belief was not from God, that belief came from man (see Mark 7:2-5). Jesus pointed out that the Pharisees were holding on man's laws more than God's. We do need to obey laws that are on earth, but ultimately God's law is more important. God's law gets overtaken for the beliefs that elders put in place.

Jesus made it very clear that the evil thoughts we have come from within. The sexual immorality we have comes from within. The theft, murder and adultery we commit comes from within. All things wicked that man expresses outwardly, starts inwardly. Remember that God's will and ways are far more important than man's.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Focus #2

The Importance of Accountability

If we aren't wanting to be held accountable then we are leaving ourselves open to falling for the temptation Satan throws at us. Satan knows what makes you stumble. Satan knows what will make you fall. Satan knows what will draw you further away from God and the rest of the flock. That is when Satan can attack (see 1 Peter 5:8).

When we are being held accountable we are able to help strengthen the body of Christ. If I am stumbling and do not care then I can cause another brother or sister to stumble. We see in Hebrews 10:24-25 that we need to "spur one another toward love and good deeds." We need to meet together and "encourage one another." The stronger we are as units the stronger the body of Christ is.

When I am going through a tough time it is amazing to be able to get a phone call or a text from a brother in Christ who can listen to my bad days. It is amazing to have brothers in Christ who will pray for me and with me. They will also keep me in check when I fall to sin (James 5:16), be it intentional or unintentional. Accountability is a big part of the Christian walk.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Mark 6:7-13- Shake off the Dust

Shake off the Dust

In Mark 6:7-13, we read about Jesus sending out the twelve apostles/disciples. In verse 8, Jesus charged/commanded them to only take one tunic (garment of clothing) and and sandals. They were not to take any bags or bread or any money in their belts. In my reading from Dave Guzik, he states that the rule/law was that Jewish rabbis were not to have the appearance of doing any other business in the temple. So, when Jesus sent out the twelve (2 by 2) they also were not have the appearance that they are doing any other business than spreading the word of Christ. Not having those items also put them in position to have more faith in God that He would provide for them while He did their work. If a preacher/pastor doesn't have have faith in God, then how can they teach others to have that faith?

A second point that I found interesting was the command in verse 11 to "shake off the dust" if any place would not have them or receive their message. The practice of this comes from Jewish people shaking off dust as they would travel through Gentile/non-jewish cities. it was seen as a way to not want to take anything from a city that was not Jewish. Do you see the connection? If a person or place does not receive the word of Christ then do not take that mentality or way of thinking with you in any way shape or form. That includes anything as small as dust. It is not your job as a pastor/preacher or follower of Christ to convince people to receive Jesus. You can share the faith, but you do not have to argue with them until you are blue in the face or until they accept Jesus. You deliver the message. They choose to receive it or reject it. Jesus did not need to argue and neither do you.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday Wake Up #2

Proverbs 27:17 serves as more than just a cool little illustration, but a reminder that if you want to be strong you will need to be kept in check by someone who is also strong. the idea behind iron sharpens iron is that in order for the metal iron to be sharpened, it must be done so by another iron.
In your Christian walk, who is walking with you that is strong or even stronger in their walk than you? Do you have a mentor? Do you have someone who keeps you accountable? I can't grow as strong in my walk with Christ if I am never held accountable by someone who also follows Christ. we are not made to just exist on our own. Paul was a mentor to Timothy. The disciples walked with each other while following Christ. People have mentors in business, and coaches and partners. We are not made to exist on our own.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Mark 5- The Healing Power of Jesus

The Healing Power of Jesus

The power of Jesus is amazing. That is an understatement, but still paints you a picture of what power Jesus has. In Mark 5:2-13, Jesus was met by a man with an unclean spirit, the man was demon possessed. The man could no longer be subdued by chains and restraints because he kept breaking them. Jesus asked the unclean spirit what its name was and it referred to it self as "Legion, for we are many" due to there being many unclean spirits in this man's body. Jesus healed the man by sending the demons into a heard of pigs that ended up drowning in the sea. News traveled of this healing and when people came to see they saw Jesus sitting there with the man and he was clothed and in his right mind.

In Mark 5:21-34, another healing took place because of the faith of the women in need. She had a discharge of blood for years. It would not stop. She had seen many doctors and had spent all she had to fix the problem, but it persisted. When Jesus was walking through a crowd of people she said, “If I touch even his garments, I will be made well." She had faith that if she even just touched Jesus, he could heal her. When she did just touch a piece of his garment, he knew that someone had done it because her perceived that power had gone from him. He asked who touched him and she admitted it, with fear. He acknowledged her faith saying that it was that faith that made her well.

 Overall, the point of these instances of healing is to show that Jesus has the ability to make a bleak situation better. He has that power. in the woman's case it was her faith that made her well. Not her faith in herself, but her faith in Jesus. In the man's case it was Jesus coming in and seeing the need and meeting it. How does that relate to us? For those people that we encounter, we can be healing agents or we can be a hindrance. We can help unite them with Christ and aide in the healing. We can pray for people. We can do whatever we can that represents God's will for that person. What will you do with Jesus?


Monday, August 24, 2015

Mark 4:21-25- A Lamp Under a Basket

A Lamp Under a Basket

Think about that. Think about how you need light to see. Light is essential in our lives. We can't walk around in physical darkness. We would stub our toes on everything from corners on walls and the edges of our beds (obviously these things have happened to me). We can't drive in darkness. When it starts hitting 7:30pm or 8pm currently, we start turning on those car headlights so that others can see us and we don't crash. We turn on our lights so we can and so others can see. Do you see where this is going?

The Word of God is the light in our life. We can either utilize that light so that we can see where we are going or we can essentially put the light under basket and make it irrelevant in our lives.

In Mark 4:21-25, Jesus uses the idea of putting a lamp under a basket to illustrate his point. Lamps are used to be put up on top of something so it can be fully utilized. I read a great comparison to this light as if the light were a cure for a disease. If you had the cure for a disease, you would not keep it to yourself, you would share that cure and help heal others.

So, now that you have the Word of God in your hands and as easy to find, what will you do with it?


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Mark 3:4 and 3:35- God's Will Above All

God's Will Above All

Here we are on the Sabbath and the Pharisees are trying to hold the law over Jesus and show him what he is doing is wrong according to the law. Jesus, as always, was far more focused on not what the law was, but what would be pleasing to God. A man with a withered hand had come into the synagogue on the Sabbath. The Pharisees looked at Jesus to see if he would break the Sabbath by doing "work." Jesus asked them if it was lawful to good or harm, save a life or kill on the Sabbath. No one had an answer and Jesus took the man's hand and healed him.

It was not about how man saw it, but how God will see it.

Later, in Mark 31-35, Jesus explains to us, that our relation to one another is not based in genes and DNA, but in relation to the will of God. Jesus was told that his mother and brothers were outside. He looked around at the people in front of him and referred to them as his mother, sisters and brothers as long as they were doing the will of God. One could speculate he said that because he knew that there were followers that did not think he was in his right mind (verse 20-21). People thought that Jesus was possessed by a demon. 

Jesus was so focused on doing the will of God, that it made no matter what people said about him or to him. the will of God was primary. And doing that will of God is what keeps us in relation to Jesus.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Mark 2:21-22- Are You Ready?

New Wine in Old Wine Skins

I like this section of Mark 2 of the text because it seems to really call out people who say they are ready for something new, but they have not discarded of the old. Remember when I mentioned the other day the part about praying for more money but still having the same old ways? Well, the same idea can apply here too.

Jesus was being questioned about why his disciple's didn't fast. They could not fast as he was still with them and they could fast once he was gone as John the Baptist's disciples fasted after he was dead. It is not that Jesus was against fasting but there was an appropriate time to do it. From there Jesus goes in to explain how old wine skins cannot be used for new wine. New wine, while fermenting would burst an old wine skin. The new cannot be poured until the old, it must go into the new.

How does that relate to my previous example of money? If you are going to continue to do the same things you have been doing then why would God bless that? The new (more money) would end up depleted if new ways (saving, investing, cutting spending, shopping for less wants) are not implemented. How does that relate to Jesus? You want Jesus to bless you but you have not committed to him. You keep wondering why things are not what you want them to be...because IT ISN'T ABOUT YOUR WANTS! If you are not ready for the new then you may as well keep the old because that is all you are prepared for. Be ready for what God wants in you..


Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Focus #1

Pray for Who?

On Wednesday, we dove into understanding we need to have capital F type of faith in our capital G God in regards to our prayer life. We can pray for nice clothes and a bigger house and better job, which all are focused on us. But what about the prayers for others? Not just our friends and our family members and loved ones. Anyone can pray for that. I'm pretty sure everyone who prays for people includes praying for people that they car for. Now, let's take it a step further. Loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us. What would would we do that? Because Jesus said so.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus covered a lot of topics from the Beatitudes, being salt and light of the earth, Christ fulfilling the law, anger, lust, divorce, oaths, retaliation....and loving our enemies.

I don't know with whom you have anger towards. Is it an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend. What about a parent? Maybe it is a sibling?? Are there any co-workers or employers or supervisor that you are mad at and get angry with every time you think about them or see them? It doesn't matter who it is, you can pray for them. No one says you have to be best friend with everyone, but we can pray for those that we have problems with. Pray for them to be healed from whatever the issue is. Pray for yourself to be healed from the relational strain. A lot of times we don't want to admit that we ever did anything wrong.

We can also pray for those who persecute us. They attack us because of our race, religion or political beliefs. Pray for them to see you for who you are and not just under an affiliation. One of the most loving things you can do is get to know someone for who they are see past any prejudicial barriers.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Mark 1- Fulfilling the Prophecy

Fulfilling the Prophecy 

Mark 1 gives us a condensed version of several chapters in the book of Matthew and other gospels as well. While the Book of Mark is known to not give any credit to a specific author, it is credited to be written by Mark the Evangelist who was a close associate of the Apostle (disciple) Peter. You remember Peter? Peter was one of Jesus' disciples and is the same one that denied he knew Jesus (three time before the rooster crows).

In reading through this chapter a couple of things jumped out to me that I wanted to point out.

First, for some this is silly and not needed to be pointed out, but for others this is their first time seeing and understanding this. The arrival of Jesus and details of his life were written before he was ever YEARS before he was ever born. In verses 2-3 it is pointed out that the prophecy of Jesus is unfolding. The words in Mark are quoted from Isaiah 40 to point out that the prophecy is being fulfilled. This was not some random guy who did cool stuff, but God in the flesh sent to unite us with God by being sacrificed for our sins (even the ones we don't think are a big deal)
In Mark 1:40-45 Jesus shows his heart to a leper and heals him. I saw in the NIV the word used to describe how Jesus saw the leper was indignant- NIV. Indignant means showing anger for perceived unfair treatment. Also, the NLT describes his heart as being full of compassion- NLT. A third version (English Standard Version) is Jesus having pity- ESV on the leper. The point is, how is your heart when you see injustices in the world? The sick? The poor? The wrongfully imprisoned? The homeless? Jesus did not look at the leper and tell him what he did wrong in life that led to leprosy, but he healed him. He saw the need and he met it.

It is time for us to see the needs and meet them. Orphans. Battered women. Children's Hospitals. Homeless. Convalescent homes. Can you pick something to meet a need? Now is the time.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday Wake Up #1

What's the Point?

How soon we forget how BIG God is. I mean this is God, with a capital G. Faith in capital G and all of His power has to be prominent in our prayer life. If you don't have capital F type of Faith in our capital G God, then why even pray? What's the point?

Matthew 21:22 reminds us that when we have faith in what we are praying for, it will happen. This does not mean, pray for what you want, but what God wants from you. It is the selfless prayer and thinking that can separate answered prayers from unanswered prayers. God could give you that job and all that money, but you don't save or tithe, so how does that benefit His will? God could give you that beautiful spouse, but you lie and are unfaithful. Why would He bless you if you are being disobedient?

We can talk about all of our problems to our friends and complain about life, but we often overlook our decisions that led to the spot in our life that we are complaining about. Is it the lack of money? That is a big one in America, but people don't save and they over spend. They go into debt for wants, not needs. Instead of complaining to your friends all the time, why not just take it to God? Why is that a forgotten method?

And in 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul is talking to the church and directing their steps (as any good church leader would do). He reminds them in verse 17 to never stop praying. It isn't specific on what, but can't we apply that to our pains and hurts and what we need to be emotionally and spiritually healed from? Why wouldn't you pray for healing? Why wouldn't you pray for restored relationships? Or the power to forgive? Never stop praying


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Matthew 28- The Resurrection and Commission

The Resurrection and Commission

Matthew 28 takes us into the resurrection of Jesus and what he wants us to do with what we know about him and his life.

Even with the huge stone rolled on front of Jesus's tomb, he still rose from the dead as he said he would after he was crucified. An angel of the Lord rolled away the stone in front of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and the "other Mary (not Jesus's mom, but the one from Luke 10:38-42 who had the right idea) were the first to see the empty tomb. They were told by the angel to see the empty tomb and then go and tell the disciples. They got proof of his resurrection and then went and told others. See that? In verse 7, they went and "spread the word" of Jesus. They didn't just keep it to themselves. They went and told others.

They get to see Jesus in verse 9 and then after clasping his feet and worshiping him they did what he told them, which was tell his brothers to meet him in Galilee. While they did as Jesus told them to do, the guards who were to keep watch over the tomb were paid off to make up a story that Jesus's body had been stolen by his disciples. Greed and lies.

In verse 19, he tells them that he has been given full authority on earth and in Heaven and that we are to go make disciples of all nations. This means spread the word of Christ to all people, man, woman, child. California, Arizona, Europe, Africa, India, Asia. It doesn't matter. Spread the word of Christ. Jesus told us to do so.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Matthew 27- The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Crucifixion of Jesus

Matthew 27 is all about what happens immediately after Judas sold Jesus out and Peter denied knowing Jesus. Verse 23, the leader, Pilate, responded to the mob that wanted Jesus crucified.He asked why they wanted to crucify him, but they could not give an answer. Jesus had done nothing wrong. People were angry at what Jesus represented, faulty leadership in the church. They did not want to believe that he was the Son of God. Their anger and viciousness led them astray. Yet, Jesus knew this was coming. His death fulfilled many prophecies (click here to read more). In Isaiah 53:4-6 we see the prophecy of Jesus's being beaten and crushed for our sins.

We have to understand that the life and death of Jesus fulfilled various prophesies from the church falling apart (literally and figuratively) to being risen three days later. They tried to stop it from happening in verses 62-66, but no matter what, YOU CANNOT STOP GOD!


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Matthew 26- Betraying Jesus

Betraying Jesus 

 Matthew 26:49 "Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed him." commentary- Jesus knew Judas was going to betray. him. Judas (in verses 14-16) plotted to point out Jesus to the high priests for Jesus to be arrested. The high priests wanted Jesus gone due to all the "problems" he had been causing to the established governmental rule. Jesus did God's will and did not follow the Pharisees and Sadducees. They saw it as a split in leadership and the established leaders wanted the power back for themselves. The needed help from Judas and he says in verse 48 that the man he kisses is the one that is Jesus. But Jesus knew this was going to happen. He makes mention of this in verses 20-25 and then he again confirms it after the confirming kiss in verses 47-50.The bottom line, Judas did this out of greed. Hold that thought and I will connect the next section in the final paragraph.

In verses 34-35 Jesus predicts Peters betrayal as well. Peter tried to defend himself and says that he would die with Jesus and never disown him. But it comes true after Jesus is captured. Jesus said that Peter would deny Jesus three time before the rooster crowed. After Jesus was captured, others tried to see who else was connected to Jesus. Peter wanted to save himself. He could have been saving himself from embarrassment (people attacking his character and associations) or physically saving himself (they may have wanted to beat and kill him along with Jesus). Either way, Peter did not stay true to his word and Jesus knew it. The bottom line, Peter denied Jesus out of fear.

To wrap it up, we deny Jesus all the time. Yes. WE. We are associated with Christ and do not stand up for his name and his words when he is attacked. We are associated with him, but when people are antagonistic we refuse to defend Christ. We just let people attack him and who he is. We are far more likely to stand up against people who talk bad on our favorite sports teams. We wear jerseys from the teams we love or the colleges we attended and graduated from, we defend those to the death. Yet, we become mouse like in defense of Jesus. Just like Peter, we get scared to speak up and defend him and defend what you believe in. 

WE (yes WE) also allow other "things" to get in the way of our relationship with Jesus. Just like Judas, we sell out Jesus for money. Have you ever skipped church due to work? was it just one time? Is it often? Yes you need to make money to live, but just as man cannot live of bread and water alone, man also cannot live without getting fed spiritually. Just like Judas, we trade Jesus for things as if they are more important than the relationship that we have with him.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Matthew 25- Discernment, Wasting Time, and Service

Matthew 25:12 "“But he called back, ‘Believe me, I don’t know you!’" commentary- This section of Matthew 25:1-13 has Jesus warning people once again what it will be like if they do not follow him now and then wait until the last minute. When they wait to follow and just live their lives without Jesus, they can find themselves "left behind" when he returns. He compares it to 10 women awaiting to get married and 5 of them are prepared with extra oil for their lamps and 5 are not prepared. The bridegroom was delayed and those who had extra oil for their lamps were ready to meet him. Those who needed the get extra oil for their lamps (I assume to see at night and meet the bridegroom) missed out because thy were not prepared for the future they knew was coming. If you aren't ready when he returns you will be left out. Jesus can't spell it out any better than this. But he does keep giving more parables.

Wasting Time 
In Matthew 14-30, the parable of the servants/talents,the master gives three servants talents (money) for them to invest and give back upon the master's return. One servant had more talents and doubled the master's investment. The second servant didn't have as many talents, but still doubled the master's investment. The third servant hid the money in the ground for safe keeping, he did nothing to help the Master. The Master did not say "hide my ,money and give it back to me upon my return." He wanted the servant to invest it at least and let the Master gain interest upon his return so that it was not wasted. Basically, the servant did what the Master could have done himself. The Master did not need the servant since he served no purpose.

Selfless Service
Lastly in Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus gives another example of how we love people selflessly. We don't feed the homeless for photo opportunities. We don't help heal the sick so that they can do the same for us later. We don't visit prisoners so that we feel better, we do it to ease their hurts and pains. In verse 40, Jesus says “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'" We can overlook so many in society from children to orphans to homeless, the sick and falsely accused. We tend to "mind our own business" or just say that we will pray for them. There is nothing wrong with prayer, but there are opportunities you are passing up due to your busy schedule or pride that thinks that types of selfless service are beneath you you. If any type of selfless act of love and service is beneath you (or you think you are better than that) then you have missed then point of what Christ was teaching.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Matthew 24:4-5- False Messiah

Matthew 24:4-5 "Jesus answered: 'Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many." commentary- Jesus, in describing the destruction of the temple and the sign of the end of times, states that many will come after Jesus saying that they are him, in the flesh. Jesus warns the disciples not to believe it when people say "he is here" or he is over there."

We know when Jesus will come back by reading Revelation 1:6-7 "and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,”
    and “every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him”;
    and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”
So shall it be! Amen."

Know God's word so you are not lead astray by false teachers caught up in the world. Here are a few examples of exactly what Jesus was warning us about 2000 years ago. I included photos an links to youtube videos of them underneath the photos.

Alan John Miller and Mary Suzanne Luck

False Jesus named Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda

David Koresh the false Son of Man

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Matthew 23:3- Hyposcrisy

Matthew 23:3 "...But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach..” commentary- Once again Jesus talks about the The Pharisees and called out their hypocrisy. Jesus tells people to follow what the Pharisees say, but do not do what they do. The Pharisees were known for saying one thing and doing the opposite.

The Pharisees were not seeing that they just were telling people what to do and not actually focusing on love. They didn't love people, they were lording over people. The same could be said today about religious leaders who speak about sin and then indulge in that sin. I often say, it is one thing to make a mistake, it is another to live a lifestyle.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Matthew 22:40- The Most Important Commandments

Matthew 22:40 "The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” commentary- The Pharisees (religious leaders) did not believe Jesus was the messiah or even a prophet so they constantly tried to ask him trick questions in order to trap him and say he was wrong in hope to discredit him. They asked him which of the commandments was the most important. In asking this they were thinking that whichever commandment he picked would then almost nullify the others or at least create a ranking order therefore depreciating the value of the other Mosaic commandments. When he told them how important it was to love God with all your heart and mind he also followed up with loving others as yourself.
When you have lost your way in life and don't know which decision to make, a lot of times our decisions on how to handle people and relationships and our own path is going to be based on these two commandments. If you look at the other 8 commandments found in Exodus 20:1-17, then you can see how love for others and love for God is the primary focus of the Christian walk. If you love God and love others (as yourself) you would not lie to people, or covet what they have (appreciate what you have instead). You would not murder, nor dishonor your father and mother. You would not use the Lord's name in vain (use His name inappropriately) nor would you steal. You would not make an idol of to worship nor would you have another god before God (notice the difference between little g and big G).

No matter what you do in life, love for God and love for people are your priorities if you follow Christ.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Matthew 21:31- The Two Sons

Matthew 21:31 "...Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before you." commentary- Once again we talk about what is fair and what is not. Jesus tells a parable of two sons. One is told to go work in the vineyard and he said no initially and then later changed his mind and went and did as he was told. The second son was told to go work in the vineyard and said he would, but did not. 

Even though the first son initially denied his fathers orders, he later changed his mind and did as he was instructed. Isn't this just like those who initially are told by God what to do, and how to live, say no, but then later become obedient to God's word? Even for those of us who have already accepted Christ as our personal Lord and Savior can still be disobedient, but we can a;lways make the choice to go back to doing what God wanted us to.

For those of us who say we will follow God's word and seek to be obedient and then do not, then we have lost our way. We become the second son who says he will obey but then does not. 

On a personal note, we sell ourselves out for so many things from sports, to understanding money and investing to gossip columns to food (foodies), but do we sell out for God? Do we really commit daily to Him as we do our routines? God isn't saying don't be dedicated to your work or your family, but He is saying "don't put that before me."

Monday, August 10, 2015

Matthew 20:13-14- What's Fair?

Matthew 20:13-14 " But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you and go...'" commentary- A land owner hires extra workers late in the day and promises to pay them. When the end of the day came, the men who started work early got their share that they agreed upon. Yet, the ones who only worked an hour due to being hired later also received the same pay as those who worked a full day. 

Those that worked longer were upset thinking that they should have more than the other who came late. The landowner made no extra promises, he only followed what he said he would do. 

I compare this to the kingdom of Heaven. I have heard numerous arguments from unbelievers who think that it isn't "fair" that one can live a life of sin and still get their sins forgiven when others asked for forgiveness a long time ago. God doesn't operate on what's fair, but He operates on being true to His word. If he says it, it is true. It is not a scale that we use to rank who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven (see Matthew 18:1-6). God forgives and knows your heart, it is not up to you to try to take on a role (God or in this chapter's case the landowner) that is not assigned to you. Do your part.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Matthew 19:16- The Rich and the Kingdom of God

Matthew 19:16 "Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, 'Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?'” commentary- This man wants to know what to do to get into Heaven. He recognizes Jesus as the authority which is why he calls him teacher. Jesus replies and tells him only "One who is good." The "o" in one was capitalized to show that only God was good (God is the One Jesus referred to). Jesus told the man if he wanted to enter life then he should keep the commandments. The man wanted to know how to enter Heaven but Jesus gave him the examples of how to enter life to show the difference between earthly existence and the kingdom of Heaven. The man asked which of the commandments to keep and Jesus points out six of the commandments that have nothing to do with relation to God being number one. The man says he has kept all these commandments and Jesus then tells him to sell his belongings and follow him. The man went away sad because since he had great wealth, he did not want to sell his "things." His things were far too important to remove in order to follow Christ.

Jesus goes on to explain that a rich man entering the kingdom of God is harder than getting a camel through the eye of a needle. But with God all things are possible. So Jesus is not saying that you have to be broke in order to get into the kingdom of Heaven, but if you are rich and are afraid to or refuse to give up what prevents you from following Christ, then the kingdom of Heaven is not attainable for you. He wants our obedience whether we are poor or rich.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Matthew 18:4-6- Humble Yourself

Matthew 18:4-6- "4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." commentary- When the disciples wanted to know which of them was the greatest, they were off base in their questioning. Jesus shows them that it is not those who are trying to be great that are great, it is those who are focused on humility that are great. He used the example of the child because children were seen as property not as individuals. Children are also not intimidating and they don't care about social status.
In verse 6, his point is if you take someone (or "something" in this context) and ruin it, then shame on you. You ruined something beautiful with human purposes over God's purposes. Those of you/us who have children, let our interaction with them be as God would want it. We are their examples. As children, didn't you look up to an adult and make that person your hero? How often are our heroes from our youth people that have no good character? We have to check ourselves with the holy spirit and seek God's purposes for our lives, over our own.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Matthew 17:5- Listen to him

Matthew 17:5 "While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!'" commentary- As Jesus was with Peter, James and John, he took them up to a mountain and was transfigured before them. Transfigured indicates a change took place, not just necessarily a physical one. As Peter was still speaking about how good it was for them to see Jesus goes through this transformation (verses 2 and 3) a voice spoke through a bright cloud. The last thing the voice said was "listen to him." 

I point out 'listen to  him' specifically because many of us today, no matter how much access we have to physical Bibles or digital ones, we do not listen to the words of Jesus. You may have heard or read what Jesus said and did, but did you really comprehend it? Did you really understand it? Did you commit it to your heart? I compare it to background noise. We can be in another room and hear the TV but we aren't paying attention to it. We can be on the phone and hear the radio or iPod playing, but we aren't listening to it. The words and ways of Jesus are not just to be read and admired from afar, but to be treated more than your most precious gem or article of clothing. Jesus is more important to us than our equity, our retirement and our car payments. Listen to him!

I saw a link to an article about the decreasing number of Bible readers even with growing access to it. You can read the article here:

May God bless you as you seek to serve Him

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Matthew 16:26- Take Up Your Cross

Matthew 16:26 "For what will it  profit a man if he gains the whole world & forfeits his soul?" commentary-  How beneficial is it have everything the world has to offer but never become who you are supposed to be? Jesus wants us to take up our cross and follow him. Taking up your cross meant (in his day) being willing to die a humiliating death. The cross is what criminals had to carry and later be hung from. Many of us aren't even willing to face questions about our faith so we sure would not be willing to die a  physical death. Christ wants total surrender.

Christ wants us to obey him. He doesn't want us to fall for the false teachings of Pharisees and Sadducees (verses 6-12). These were the religious leaders that sought obedience from people for their ways as opposed to God's ways. If we keep hanging on to our old lives and we don't die to ourselves (stop focusing on all of our wants and start focusing on God's) then how can we be useful for God?

For further explanation on taking up your cross, you can find this link useful:

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Matthew 15:6- Gods Way

Matthew 15:6 "...So for the sake of your tradition you have made void  the word of God." commentary- The Pharisees were always trying to trip up Jesus's teachings with their ways. There was a ceremony of hand washing before eating made by elders not by scripture. These Pharisees thought that Jesus's  disciples were not being respectful to the elders because they didn't do what was the tradition. The Pharisees thought if you did not wash your hands before you ate then you were defiled from the inside. Yet, Jesus calls out their sin and hypocrisy with them not honoring their father & mother (verses 4-9). The Pharisees thought that their laws, traditions and ways were more honorable than those that God already had established.

In verse 10 Jesus explains that it is not about what someone eats that defiles them, but what comes out of someone's mouth. What someone eats is passed through their body (verse 17), but what comes out of the mouth is in the heart (verse 18).

Jesus is not saying don't wash your hands if they are dirty before you eat, but what he is saying is that what is most important about you is what is in your heart. That is what will corrupt you, not what you eat, but what you think and feel. When you read verse 19 you see it says "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander." Many of these people may feel are acceptable, but according to Jesus, they are not. Many have placed man's laws above God's.

Where do you see that happening today?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Matthew 14: compassion, disbelief & faith

Matthew 14:14 "When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, & he had compassion on them & healed the sick." commentary-  Have you ever just wanted to  get away for a vacation or the death of a friend or loved one (verses 1-13)? No matter what we are going through there are still things we can say or do that honor God & keep us humble in serving others. Jesus went to get away but still saw a need people had & met their need. He had compassion & didn't make himself the focus. (compassion)

Matthew 14:16 " But Jesus said, “'They need not go away; you give them something to eat.'” commentary- The disciples did not believe that all the people who wanted something to eat could be fed with what food was available. With Christ, it was possible. We don't go to Christ enough when things seem bleak. We complain and get scared and don't ask God for help. But when we utilize God's power then how can His will not be done? (disbelief)

Matthew 14:31 "Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'" commentary- Jesus called Peter out to walk on the water with him. Jesus wants us to do something amazing and unbelievable in the sight of man. Peter apprehensively walked out on the water and sank. Jesus saved him. When we take our eyes off of Christ and focus on our worries and apprehensions, we cannot do it the right way. We will "fall." Jesus calls Peter out saying he had little faith. This is not the same as the faith of a mustard seed which is small, but is also full of growth. Peter lacked faith and what little faith he had was overcome by his apprehension. When we fall is when we tend to look back up at Jesus instead having kept our eyes on him in the first place. (faith)

What is going on in your life right now where you can bestow some compassion on someone amidst your busy schedule?

Where in your life do you see that you lack faith? You think God isn't with you and you can't see His hand, but He is sticking it out to show you the way and that you are to have faith in Him.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Matthew 13:49-50

Matthew 13:49-50 "So it will be at the end of age. The angels will come out & separate the evil from the righteous & throw them into the fiery furnace."  commentary- When Jesus explains the parables of the sowers, treasure, pearl of  great value, he is saying that those who will enter heaven are those who followed him & obeyed God's will. "The fiery furnace" which we understand is hell is where the evil/disobedient will go at the end of age. Jesus's words were not & are not to be taken lightly. You will see through much of scripture a common theme is "do God's will." Got it?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Matthew 12:31

Matthew 12:31 "Therefore I tell you, every sin & blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit  will not be forgiven." commentary- Quite simply if you disrespect God & speak ill of Him, that sin cannot be forgiven. This verse comes from a section that specifies how people thought Jesus's healings & good works on the sabbath were due to him being possessed by Satan. He replied to those critics letting them know Satan can't battle & defeat himself. People were looking at the law rather than the heart & the intent. Good is done & people focus on human perspective.

Matthew 11:20

Matthew 11:20 "Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty works had been done because they did not repent." commentary- Jesus performed miracles & did a lot of good for people in various places, but they did not stop sinning. I don't  mean the slip up, but the intentional lifestyle of sin. Unrepentant & unforgiving sin. There is no scripture that encourages the lifestyle, but people do it anyway. Imagine how upset you get when you help someone do something & they don't do their part. They could turn from sin, but they would rather continue to be dead spiritually. Sin starts in the heart.

Matthew 10:39

Matthew 10:39 "Whoever finds his life will lose it, & whoever  loses his life for my sake will find it." commentary- The words of Jesus are strong here. He is not saying  'just do what makes you happy.' He is not saying 'there are many ways to heaven & I am  just one.' What is Jesus saying? He is saying that those who live their lives & are not seeking Christ have missed the  point. Many would rather do what they want for their own comfort but that is not what God wants from you. What is blocking you  from seeking & following Christ?

Matthew 9:37-38

Matthew 9:37-38 "Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'" commentary- Jesus's words mean that there are those in need of the word of God & of a believing friend. Think of the friends you have. Do you share God with them? Do you defend God to them? If this is something you have committed yourself to, why not share it? Spread  the word of God & of Christ's life. For  example, I have shared with all of you for over 2 years & evolved this from a text message ministry to an online one. I can reach more people online than I can through text message. Spread the word...

Matthew 8:13

Matthew 8:13 "Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.'" commentary-  A centurion soldier came to ask Jesus to heal a servant. This soldier was an officer in the Roman army oppressing Jewish people. While all other  Jewish people would hate him he still felt humble enough to ask for help from Jesus (a Jew) for help in healing a servant. He cam humbly & not with selfish intent. Jesus healed the  servant from afar & marveled at the man's faith & understanding of who Jesus was. Selfless & humble & God will hear you.

Matthew 7:21

Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of  heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." commentary- Jesus here is referring to those  who claim one thing verbally (as it pertains to doing God's will), but in their heart they are not focused on God's will. You can see how others live for God's will  by the fruit they produce. Does the Holy Spirit run their life or is it their own passion & selfish desires?

Matthew 6:1

Matthew 6:1 "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in  order to be seen by them..." commentary- Along  with the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6 contains a deeper look into what we do & our intent. There  are times that we do things to be noticed. Whether it is clothes, hair, makeup, jewelery or possessions, we have to question our own motives. Are we doing it for God or to be noticed by others? God's approval is the only approval that matters.

Matthew 5:13-14

Matthew 5:13 & 14 "You are the salt of the earth...You  are the light of the world..."  commentary- Verses 2-11 are the beatitudes, but 13-16 is important too. Being the salt of the earth for a Christ follower means to be valued greatly. Salt in Jesus's day was a  commodity. People were even paid in salt. The  light of the earth means we give & receive light. We receive light from God & give light to those  that need it. So, with what God has given  you, to whom will you share it?

Matthew 4:7

Matthew 4:7 "Jesus said to him, 'Again it is written, 'You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.'" commentary- Jesus was tempted by the devil/tempter. He tried to get Jesus to turn stones into bread during a fast, and to jump off  a temple to have God save him. Jesus's response every time was with scripture in it's proper context to ward of Satan's attempts. Satan even promised to give Jesus kingdoms & glory if he worshiped him. Jesus told Satan to go away & knew to only worship God & God alone. When we are tempted to sin against God we need to know what to say to Satan's temptations.

Matthew 3:8

Matthew 3:8 "Bear fruit in keeping with repentance." commentary- John the Baptist was quite upset with those  who worshiped Abraham over God himself. He warned them to bear fruit with repentance which meant that those who thought their Jewish heritage in Abraham was enough. It wasn't enough. They were getting baptized in preparation for a Messiah but still had not walked away from their sinful lives. We need to do the same as well. We can say we are Christians and Christ followers but the fruit of our repentance can show sin  that we are unwilling to give up.

Matthew 2:12

Matthew 2:12 "And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way." commentary- In this chapter God spoke to the wise men & Joseph in different ways. The wise men didn't take Jesus back to Herod as Herod would have killed him. An angel appeared to Joseph to take Jesus & Mary to Egypt. Again an angel of the Lord told Joseph when to return. I see that when God tells you to do something, you do it. We don't always have the reasons why, but it is best for us to do what God says so that we are protected by Him.

Matthew 1:1

Matthew 1:1 "The book of the  genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." commentary- If your read through this chapter you will the genealogy of Jesus. So many names jump out from the compilation, such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Boaz and Ruth, David and Solomon. There were no perfect people in the  genealogy. There is imperfection and sin and mess ups. But even those blemishes could not stop what God had ordained which is the conception and eventual birth of Christ. Even if your family is plagued by sin, God can do something amazing.