Saturday, August 15, 2015

Matthew 25- Discernment, Wasting Time, and Service

Matthew 25:12 "“But he called back, ‘Believe me, I don’t know you!’" commentary- This section of Matthew 25:1-13 has Jesus warning people once again what it will be like if they do not follow him now and then wait until the last minute. When they wait to follow and just live their lives without Jesus, they can find themselves "left behind" when he returns. He compares it to 10 women awaiting to get married and 5 of them are prepared with extra oil for their lamps and 5 are not prepared. The bridegroom was delayed and those who had extra oil for their lamps were ready to meet him. Those who needed the get extra oil for their lamps (I assume to see at night and meet the bridegroom) missed out because thy were not prepared for the future they knew was coming. If you aren't ready when he returns you will be left out. Jesus can't spell it out any better than this. But he does keep giving more parables.

Wasting Time 
In Matthew 14-30, the parable of the servants/talents,the master gives three servants talents (money) for them to invest and give back upon the master's return. One servant had more talents and doubled the master's investment. The second servant didn't have as many talents, but still doubled the master's investment. The third servant hid the money in the ground for safe keeping, he did nothing to help the Master. The Master did not say "hide my ,money and give it back to me upon my return." He wanted the servant to invest it at least and let the Master gain interest upon his return so that it was not wasted. Basically, the servant did what the Master could have done himself. The Master did not need the servant since he served no purpose.

Selfless Service
Lastly in Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus gives another example of how we love people selflessly. We don't feed the homeless for photo opportunities. We don't help heal the sick so that they can do the same for us later. We don't visit prisoners so that we feel better, we do it to ease their hurts and pains. In verse 40, Jesus says “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'" We can overlook so many in society from children to orphans to homeless, the sick and falsely accused. We tend to "mind our own business" or just say that we will pray for them. There is nothing wrong with prayer, but there are opportunities you are passing up due to your busy schedule or pride that thinks that types of selfless service are beneath you you. If any type of selfless act of love and service is beneath you (or you think you are better than that) then you have missed then point of what Christ was teaching.

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