Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Matthew 14: compassion, disbelief & faith

Matthew 14:14 "When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, & he had compassion on them & healed the sick." commentary-  Have you ever just wanted to  get away for a vacation or the death of a friend or loved one (verses 1-13)? No matter what we are going through there are still things we can say or do that honor God & keep us humble in serving others. Jesus went to get away but still saw a need people had & met their need. He had compassion & didn't make himself the focus. (compassion)

Matthew 14:16 " But Jesus said, “'They need not go away; you give them something to eat.'” commentary- The disciples did not believe that all the people who wanted something to eat could be fed with what food was available. With Christ, it was possible. We don't go to Christ enough when things seem bleak. We complain and get scared and don't ask God for help. But when we utilize God's power then how can His will not be done? (disbelief)

Matthew 14:31 "Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'" commentary- Jesus called Peter out to walk on the water with him. Jesus wants us to do something amazing and unbelievable in the sight of man. Peter apprehensively walked out on the water and sank. Jesus saved him. When we take our eyes off of Christ and focus on our worries and apprehensions, we cannot do it the right way. We will "fall." Jesus calls Peter out saying he had little faith. This is not the same as the faith of a mustard seed which is small, but is also full of growth. Peter lacked faith and what little faith he had was overcome by his apprehension. When we fall is when we tend to look back up at Jesus instead having kept our eyes on him in the first place. (faith)

What is going on in your life right now where you can bestow some compassion on someone amidst your busy schedule?

Where in your life do you see that you lack faith? You think God isn't with you and you can't see His hand, but He is sticking it out to show you the way and that you are to have faith in Him.

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