Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Focus #18

What is Keeping You from Following Christ?

In our last 2 Wednesday and Friday posts, we have covered the young rich man and his willing inability to sell his possessions and follow Jesus. We also covered that just because you are rich it doesn't mean that you cannot follow Jesus. If the thinking says that you cannot be rich and be a man of God or follow Christ then I ask those people to look at the lives of Solomon, Abraham and others (click here to read more). But, outside of money, what are some things in our lives that keep us from seeing God's blessings in our lives. What are some things that draw your attention away from Jesus and keep you distracted?

For starters, maybe it is work. Have you ever heard of the term "workaholic"? This is person who works far too often. One might think that they enjoy that work, but sometimes workaholics feel compelled to do that. But, if you are constantly working, how can you have a Sabbath? That is just one of the commandments we need to adhere to. We need rest. We need to take that time away from everything else and just leave ourselves a day to reconnect with God and recharge our physical and spiritual batteries. Remember Luke 10:38-42 when Mary and Martha were hosting for Jesus's visit? Martha was upset with Mary who had sat to listen to Jesus's teachings. Martha had been so busy serving that she didn't stop to listen to the man that she was preparing for. We have to remember it isn't about everything we do, it is about our relationship with Jesus.

Another possible thing that keeps us from following Christ is our way of thinking. We have lived and believed a certain way for as long as we can remember, but that way of thinking is blocking the ability to see Jesus. It is blocking our ability to willfully follow Jesus. People conform to the patterns of the world and cannot see what is the will of God because they do not know enough about what is written in Scripture to test what is the will of God and what is not (Romans 12:2). People know of Jesus and his life and resurrection, but do they actually care about it? Scripture gets quoted out of context but the whole passage or the whole chapter is never read. T-shirts and hats are worn referring to Jesus as a homeboy, but there is no submission in the soul to do God's will and follow Christ. Is Jesus your homeboy or the Lord of your life? When the world is guiding you it makes it that much more difficult to be transformed by following Christ. Something's gotta give.

No matter what it is that is blocking our submission to God's will, it must go. If you want to have an abundant life in Christ then that will take a step on your part to not use will power but God's power to further your walk. You can make a bunch of decisions to stop watching ungodly films and listening to ungodly music, but why are you doing it? In relationships, do you stay faithful and not cheat because it is wrong or because you are committed and dedicated to the other person? Rituals and religion or relationship with Christ? The choice is yours!

To read more about what distracts us from God please click here.


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