Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday Wake Up #17

When You Get Angry

When was the last time you were angry? I don't mean angry that your favorite show got cancelled or your favorite team lost, but angry to the point where you could not sleep. Do you have your answer? Now, I ask you what did you do with that anger? Did you just ignore it like it didn't exist or did you let it explode? Please don't tell me that you went to social media to complain about things that you just need to deal with. But there are much more productive things to do with anger and knowing how to handle it than just ignoring it or letting it consume you. Do you agree?

As we read through Proverbs (which is a great start if you have never read through the Bible), I come across Proverbs 29:11 which let us know that giving full vent to your anger is foolish. It also informs us that self control is what the wise people do. That means when you are angry, don't go punch someone. That means do not go yelling at them. There are time we are angry about how we perceive someone's words rather than what they really mean. I have been guilty of that before and had arguments with people about what they said and how I perceived what they said without actually having a conversation about it. What we need to do is focus on what would actually anger God and seek to be surrounded by the Holy Spirit and walking with the Holy Spirit (more on that later).

We also need to deal with the anger in that moment. I know from personal experience that if I do not deal with that anger, it will stew. That is when the devil take a hold of my thoughts and pulls them away from the Holy Spirit. Then I will keep replaying what was said or done and start trying to connect things and maybe even add an attitude of righteousness on the other person. That is letting bitterness grow. How many times do we get mad at someone and then completely ignore them based on what happened? Deal with the problem. Ephesians 4:26-27 tells us that we can be angry, but in that anger do not sin. We cannot let the sun go down on our anger. I mean truly, how often do you get mad at someone and talk about it the next day and settle it? I would be willing to assume that not many people confront and deal with issues in the moment. They walk away mad...and got to the passive aggressive Facebook post. Let's stop Facebooking and start facing the problems with the use of the Book (Bible)!!
And when we do respond, do we respond with gentleness, or do we respond with yelling, sarcasm or undercutting people with insults? It is interesting that when we get angry, we throw the ways of Christ (like being loving at all times) out of the window. Then we run those ways over with our car. C'mon people!! Let's start responding in love for others and know that whether we know someone well or not at all, our words reflect our heart and have an impact on other. Respond in love and not in wrath (Proverbs 15:1).

Whether it is anger or sadness or lust and knowing how to deal with these feeling and thoughts when they arise, we must rely on the Holy Spirit. That is God's will for our lives has to be our will. If it is not, then one cannot expect the Holy Spirit to guide them if they have not sought that guidance in the first place. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life (John 14:6). He is the only way to the Father, not one of the ways, THE WAY. He tells us in John 14:26 that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things. If you are not with the Holy Spirit and you keep having the same problems, then the answer is pretty clear on what needs to happen in your life in order for you to deal with the problems as they arise. Follow Christ and the Holy Spirit will guide you.



  1. Perfectly stated KJ. Each one of us, will encounter situations in our weekly life, if not daily life that we will be tested. Our response or lack thereof will identify our true character. I've found a wonderful and a very healthy means of working through my "character building opportunities" when they cross my path. That is to seek God's help and give this situation to Him immediately. Then, gently seek a resolution as Christ would have me see the larger picture. I've found it a very basic question and solution when I'm being tested. Do I allow the situation to control me or do I remind myself that I'm in control of how I respond to this circumstance? Just thinking those thoughts are powerful in and of themselves and it's empowering. Try repeating them to yourself, you will very likely be surprised of the strength they hold! Blessings to one and all.

  2. good response Keith. thanks for posting!
