Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Luke 14:7-24- Humility and Salvation Parables

Humility and Salvation Parables

Jesus told many parables. He used these parables to drive home points that people needed to understand about humility and salvation and serving the poor. He brought up these points to also show us to be used by God for God's purposes. 

The scene is set knowing that Jesus is set to eat at the house of the ruler of the Pharisees on a Sabbath. He healed a man with dropsy (fluid accumulation in body tissues) and knowing he was being watch asks the lawyers and Pharisees if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath. We know Jesus was far more focused on fulfilling God's purposes and being in God's will than trying to meet man's expectations and interpretations of God. Jesus asked them if their son or ox they owned fell into a well on the Sabbath, would they let them drown or try to save them? No one had an answer. Jesus is exposing their hypocrisy of how they would rationalize their own law breaking but hide it while condemning others who break laws.

Jesus then uses the parable of the Wedding Feast (Luke 14:7-11) to explain how many are concerned with giving only if they are to get back. In a Wedding Feast, people are likely to sit at places of honor and feel ashamed when asked to move to lower places. Jesus said that people should sit in the lowest place so that the host has the chance to move you to a higher place of honor. That way you will not be humbled in front of others, but be exalted by someone else rather than yourself. He is saying there is nothing wrong with being honored, but if you are honoring yourself then that can lead to being humbled and embarrassed.

The Great Banquet parable found in Luke 14:12-24. It has a couple of different pieces to it.  In verses 7-14, Jesus explains that when we have feasts, we should not invite those that can and may feel obligated to repay us. We should invite those that cannot repay us like the poor, crippled, lame and blind. Jesus says we will be repaid at the resurrection of the just ("we will never be the loser when we give after the pattern of Gods generosity."- Dave Guzik).  

There is a second part that breaks down Jesus's role in salvation. He compares God to a man who hosts a great feast and sends a servant (Jesus) to get people (all people on earth) to attend. People give excuses as to why they cannot attend the feast such as tending to a field, examining their property and being just being married. His point is that people will give any possible reason as to why they will not follow him (the servant) back to the man's (God's) feast (salvation or Heaven). God sent Jesus to get us to sit with Him in Heaven. It is up to us to follow Jesus to that feast.


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