Saturday, September 12, 2015

Luke 1- God's Promises

God's Promises

I have seen in my own life how God's promises do hold true. I was reflecting yesterday on how one thing that seems horrible at one point can be an absolute blessing years letter in retrospect.

In treading through Luke 1, I kept seeing something pop up. It was God's word holding firm and being true. God said something and it became true. In verse 13 an angel of the Lord came to Zechariah (father to be of John the Baptist) and told him his prayers had been answered and he and his wife, Elizabeth, would bear a son. Zechariah did not believe the angel (Gabriel) and for that was made mute (verses 18-20) until the birth of John.

Gabriel is the same angel that also told Mary (mother of Jesus) that she would give birth to a son even though she was a virgin. In verses 26-33, so much information is given about Jesus from not only his name but to how he will live.

In verses 62-64, as John was born, many were saying that he should be named after his father Zechariah, but he wrote on a tablet that "His name is John" which released his inability to speak. That is exactly what Gabriel said before that the inability to speak would last until John was born due to Zechariah's unbelief.

The thing I love about this chapter is that even when things seem impossible, Luke 1:37 reminds us of the truth that "nothing is impossible with God." Whether you are an old woman or an unmarried virgin, God can and will use you, if you let Him. Being out of God's will (as you may have read yesterday) is never helpful in your walk with Christ.

Another note, that really solidifies all that is embedded in why we follow Christ was that his birth fulfills prophecies that were stated and documented years and years before his birth. I read from Dave Guzik on who explains that when Gabriel spoke from God's presence about words being fulfilled in their time (section 4 subsection 2 c), he was referring to Jesus's birth and the surround prophecies that prove that Jesus is the messiah and not just a good teacher. Know that!


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