Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Wake Up #24

It Cannot Be Unsaid or Unheard

I remember being in a men's group at Saddleback Church a couple of years ago and discussing how saying mean or hurtful things is just like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube. Once it comes out, it cannot go back in. The damage has already begun to take place. "I'm sorry" doesn't take the words back or make it so it never even happened. Another way to think about this too is what we type/text to people. Once they have read it, it cannot be unread. The eyes have already taken those words in. We need to be more mindful of what we say to people (and type) so that our words are coming from a place of love and not from anger that could lead us to regret them later.

If you have read through Proverbs, you have seen a ton of verses that could easily be used as daily reminders for self control. One of those verses is Proverbs 12:18. It compares our words to swords which cut deeply and or tongues (if used by the wise) as a source that can bring healing. Do we really want to be known as the type of person who uses harsh and rash words that just cut at people all the time? Or would you rather be known as someone who is looked at as one who brings healing with their words? I would rather be the latter rather than the former as I seek to do what is pleasing to God, not people. It might be very easy to do what others expect or would do in your shoes, but they don't have to deal with the consequences of your words, but you do. So instead of doing what you may feel pressured to do by people and expected social norms, do what you feel led to do by God.

And sometimes we can get caught up and say that we are just being honest or just speaking the truth. But, is the truth and honesty rooted in helping someone with love that builds them up? In Ephesians 4:29 we are given a reminder to not give into any unwholesome talk and let what comes out of our mouths be what builds others up. What we say needs to be helpful. Not helpful for doing what we want them to do, but what God would want them to do. It also needs to be for their benefit and for those who hear it. 

In Psalm 19:14 we look at the source from where our words should come. As stated previously is it what is it just that it is socially normal to speak that way or does it need to come from God's will. The focus of the verse is on the words and the heart being acceptable to God. He is where we look for our guidance as to what we should be saying and what we let come out from our hearts. Once it is said it cannot be unsaid, so make sure before you say it that it is pleasing to God.


1 comment:

  1. I love the toothpaste comparison! That really helps put it into perspective. Love you, KJ! Keep it coming ❤️
