Sunday, January 3, 2016

Romans 9: God's Mercy is Not Earned

God's Mercy is Not Earned

Somebody asked me the other day, "If God loves me, why would He send me to hell (for being gay)?" It was a tough question to face and as best as I could answer as quickly as possible based on my knowledge, I said that God also wants us to do what is right for how He made us and what is right in His eyes. In later conversations with other believers I came to understand also that our disobedience is what sends us to Hell. If we are not following God's will and seeking it first in our lives and we don't accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, then that is our punishment. If a child does not do their homework, their punishment may be restriction from phones, computers, parties, etc. That is from the earthly parent. Imagine not doing what you were supposed to do on earth. That punishment would be much larger from God.

That leads me into my next point which comes up in Romans 9 that tells us that God's mercy is not earned. Now we have read this before but this time Paul explains it using Jacob and Esau as an example to what Pharisees would and connected to what is written and how we are to be redeemed to and through Christ. If we want God's mercy we have to be in His will. When we are there then we know all things work together for good (Romans 8:28). Before they were born, God picked Jacob and not Esau. It was not based on what Jacob had done because he had not been born yet. God picks those He calls based on His prerogative (Romans 9:15).

In 12th grade I had a pottery class. I used to make pinch pots and pitchers and a even mugs. I enjoyed that class. Never one (just go with it) did the clay complain to me about being a pinch pot, mug or pitcher. The clay cannot question the potter what is being done, so how can we question God on what He chooses and how He chooses (Romans 9:19-21)? No matter how God makes you, you are to still do God's will anyway. God's glory can still shine in your situation as difficult as it might be to see it, it is possible.


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