Sunday, November 1, 2015

John 13: Jesus is the Portrait of Humility

Jesus is the Portrait of Humility

Are there certain jobs or careers or tasks that seem "beneath" you? Would you ever clean a toilet? Pick up trash? Cutting grass? Maybe you see jobs like that or other ones as beneath you. You can try to qualify your pride by saying you are over qualified, but what about when we are serving others. Are we "too qualified" to be humble and serve? If so, then you are also too prideful.

Jesus wasn't prideful at all. He didn't go on and on about all of the works he has done and bragged about being the son of God. He didn't get all the fancy robes and attire fit for a king. Jesus was humble and sought to serve the will of God above all else. We see in John 13:15-17, after Jesus washes the disciples feet that he tells them that he has set an example for them that they are to follow. We are to do for others what Jesus has done for us. This is not to gain something from God or people, but to serve God by serving people.

In John 13:21, Jesus reveals that he knew one of the disciples would betray him. I love that he didn't call out the guy's name and put his name all out there. Jesus was still serving and did not ostracize him. In this day and age, if we feel wronged by someone we ignore them, hate them and maybe even talk about them on social media. Or we may gossip to people about them. What good does that do? How does that glorify God or reflect our walk with Christ. Yes, we are all imperfect, but we need to check our decisions too.

If you are looking for a way to stretch yourself to serve this coming week, Subway has a deal on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. If you buy one sub you get one free. That doesn't mean you eat both, but give one away. Maybe to a homeless person or someone you work with. Anyone!! Click here for to read more on the offer.


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