Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday Focus #15

Today or Tomorrow?

Hopefully we all had a good time with friends/family yesterday for Thanksgiving. But, what do we do the day after? I know there are stores with Black Friday sales (and chaos...and fights too). I know there is Cyber Monday that serves as the online version with no lines but still getting the best deals for stuff. I am not saying shopping is wrong, but I am once again going to bring up this question, what about service? When will we start serving? Today? Tomorrow? When??

I know we do many things as a family like meeting together and eating together and just spending time with one another. Those are all great and wonderful things. Continue to do them with love and unity for the family. But, I think about those that do not have any food. I think about those that do not have any friends. What about those that do not have any family?

As Christ followers we tend to forget to give to the needy. Where I live, I see plenty of homeless and downtrodden people. I can't feed every single one, but I can make an effort to feed the ones I encounter. You know when you go out to eat and you take food home, couldn't that food be given to someone who is homeless that struggles to eat daily? In Matthew 6:1-4 we see that we are to give to the poor (food or money or sit down and have lunch WITH them). We are not bringing attention to ourselves but seeking to show love to God by loving others as He loved us. I know we cannot serve every moment of every day, but can today be the first day where you just make an effort to look past your wants and start serving people in need; dire need? It actually pains me to write this knowing that there are so many of us who can make a difference, but chose not to. It doesn't have to be big, just let it be from the heart. Parents lead your children in this. Kids, get your teams and friends together in this. Adults, get your friends and small groups involved in this. It's about time...isn't it?

Please read more on giving alms on
This is not the way to talk about serving.


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