Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday Wake Up #10

Thankless Serving

Christianity is not just about liking Jesus. It is not just about knowing that Jesus existed. Nor it is about just going to church and reading the Bible and "stuff." Stuff could include Bible studies, conferences, retreats and other "stuff" that we do to grow in our faith. There is nothing wrong with anything I have mentioned, but not many people see selfless serving as part of the Christian walk.

Have you ever read through 1 Corinthians 13? This chapter describes what love is and what it looks like in real life situations. In verse 4 we see that love is patient and kind. We also see that love is not boastful, prideful or arrogant. When we serve other needs we are not serving to get noticed. We are not serving to get acknowledged. And dare I say, we are not serving toi even get a mere thank you. a thank you might seem like something we should expect from helping those in need, but do we need a "thank you" to serve? If you need a "thank you" from someone to serve then you are not serving. You are looking for human validation to fulfill a need for others. That sounds like being in it for more than helping those in need. Remember when Jesus healed a leper in Matthew 8:1-4? He didn't ask for or demand a thank you. He just wanted the man to tell the priests of the healing (but that was for fulfilling prophecies, not for selfish credit).

Paul continues in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that between faith, hope and love, the greatest of those three in love. We can tell people we love them, but we can say it even louder when we serve their needs and do it selflessly. Just remember how Jesus died on the cross for you and served our need to be connected to God. He didn't waste his energy or breath asking or demanding for a thank you. Our love for God is number 1 and our love for people comes from loving God (Matthew 26:36-40).


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