Saturday, October 3, 2015

Luke 16:15- Approval of People

Approval of People

There are things we do that are so common place to us that actually have nothing to do with what we think unless it is tied to how people will perceive it.  There are people who volunteer from time to time because of the photo opportunity. There is a cosmetic surgery industry that flourishes from insecurities and perceptions of others. Don't get me started on the fashion industry and red carpet events. That thrives on public perception and who is wearing what from which designer.

Living for the approval of people is no way to live. Every generation will cherish something else. The 1950s had a different view of males and females than how this generation views what defines a male and female. How people choose to see us isn't important. How God sees us is what is important. People see the outside, God sees our heart.

Jesus had just finished telling a parable of the dishonest manager (Luke 16:1-13). The Pharisees never liked Jesus's teaching, ideas and parables and ridiculed him. Instead of getting angry and getting into an argument (as many of us would do) for being ridiculed Jesus replied with a simple statement that has deep meaning. Jesus said, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God." He was telling them that they do things and say things to have the approval of people but they overwrite and ignore what God will think about it.

What God has to say about what we do and what we say matters not more than other things or less than other things, but is the only thing that matters. Have you ever had a time where you did something nice for someone and they thought or someone else thought that you had ulterior motives? It has happened to me. You try to do the right thing but people look at it with the wrong lens. Or there are times I thought I was doing the right thing and really it had an ulterior motive. Man sees the outside, God sees the inside (1 Samuel 16:7). Let pleasing God be your focus.


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