Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Focus #9

What's On Your Mind?

Have you ever been through a really, really hard time in life? Maybe it was a broken heart from an ex or the death of a loved one. Maybe it was a traumatic experience like a house fire, car accident or some kind of abuse. When we experience these things, does it help us to always talk about them and bring them up over and over again? Or are we doing damage to ourselves, God's children (for those who believe in Him- John 1:12)? 

Personally I have been through some of the things I have mentioned and by the grace of God, He put people around me that could help me through those times during and after. But, after it is over says a lot about me. For instance, if I am going to keep referring to and replaying something that hurts me time and time again, I'm probably not going to be a very happy person. I don't know anyone who dwells in hurts that has a joyful demeanor about them. God wants us to be joyful for it is good for the heart (Proverbs 17:22), not be in pain whether it be physical, emotional or otherwise. So how do we get to the point of being more joyful?

We have to give our hurts to God. Have you prayed about how God can use you through it as much as you have talked about how painful it was? Through God there is power to turn the horrible into something wonderful. David and Bathsheba's story in 2 Samuel 11 shows how adultery can end up producing one of the wisest and richest godly men in Solomon. It takes a turning toward God. That takes a choice. The choices others make are not your fault, but what you do with what happens to you is up to you. Proverbs 19:21 tells us that no matter what we think and plan will only stand if it is unison with God's purpose. Deep!

It's one thing to have a hurt and turn that into a lesson to learn from and teach others. But, it is another to keep bringing up something that still brings you pain when you remember it. What good does that do to you? It probably upsets you or brings you to tears. The bad can be used to do good. Isaiah 26:3 tells us to keep our minds on God and what is godly as it bring us peace. Thinking of pain does not bring peace. Seek God's peace and love for you by turning over your hurts to Him.


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