Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Foucs #26

What is Love?

This may be a topic I have done before, but you know what, it's important. So let's go over this...again.

We have heard this section of verses on love at wedding and I'm sure we have heard it in church when pastors discuss relationships be they friendship, dating or marriage. But when it comes to love, so often we think of the feeling of it. It is that flutter in your heart when you see them. It is that bond you feel when you talk to them and are around them. Sadly, love can come with conditions. "I love you as long as you do 'x' for me and make me feel like 'y.'" People love as long as they are treated a certain way. I'm here to tell you, if your love has an ending condition, that isn't love my friend.  So, what is love?

Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians on what love is. You can apply this to Valentine's Day or just relationships. But you can also see this from God's perspective. God wants us to be loving. This section of text was in relation to spiritual gifts that without love are just loud clanging symbols. So, no matter what you do with your life, if you do not understand or reject God's love for you (us) and Christ's sacrifice then how will you know that love is patient, kind, is not envious nor boastful nor arrogant (1 Corinthians 13:4)? God is patient with us in our sins and is kind in bestowing talents to us to honor Him. We should not be envious of one another nor should we boast. When you envy another you forget what God gave you. And when you boast, you overwrite what God has done for someone else like your boasting and arrogance says you are superior.

Love is not rude. Love does not insist upon its own way. Love is not irritable or resentful (1 Corinthians 13:5). How many times are you rude to others or insist upon your own way? That is not being loving in those moments. Love does not allow for irritability or resentment. Being irritable is like being agitated with a little extra on it. We have seen resentment before. That feeling you have when someone does or says something hurtful and you hang on to that every time you see or think of them. It's like bitterness. Love does not give birth to these things.

Love does not rejoice in wrong doing but rejoices with the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6). The wrong doing is not done in love. If you do wrong that cannot be done in love. Rejoicing in the truth is a way to show love as well. God is truth. God's word is truth. We rejoice in Him and His word. That is love.
Lastly, we must know that love bears, believes, hopes and endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:7-8). This does not mean that we believe everything we ever hear from anyone or any random source. We are believing in the best of others. We are being optimists. Love hopes for the best and endures the trying times of life. Love keeps you going even when that friend, significant other or person has done you wrong. Love keeps pushing through and does not allow for that person to become an enemy. Love has no end date. 


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