Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Focus #27

Making a Rash Decision

Life is full of frustrations. Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do or where you turn, there is a problem. It could be a money problem or a relational problem or a job issues, but whatever it is, it seems like the issues are never ending. Job issues may lead you to want to quit, but then what? You need money to live and pay bills and eat. You could open up another credit card and pull all of that money out, but how will you pay it off? Could you cut spending rather than increase debt? In relationships, people will rub us the wrong way and we can be tempted to cut ties. But, have you thought about the the possible repercussions? Better yet, did you ask God for direction? 

One thing you can do is go to God humbly and ask Him to show you what you could have done differently. It is hard to be humble when we get upset at people or life. Making more money is great, but if you do not know how to save and budget, then what difference does it make. Finding a new job is great but if every job you have had there are issues you have that irreconcilable with coworkers or upper management, then maybe that needs to be addressed before quitting. Finding a new friend or significant other is fine, but maybe there is a way you talk to people that pushes people away instead of pulling them in. In Job 6:24 we read that Job was asking Eliphaz to show him where he was wrong regarding a rant. But do we do this with ourselves, others and Go?. When there is an issue you can just "fix it" or you can humbly seek to find out what went wrong and where.

Also, just know that God will guide you, but you have to be humble enough to know that God's way is the best way. If you are not reading your Bible and seeking to understand it and see what God's word has for you, it will make life harder. Life can be hard anyway, why make it harder by not checking the manual. You can't fix a car without looking at the intricate parts of the engine, transmission, and the owner's manual. With people, our brain and our heart (emotions) and owner's manual (the Bible) need to be connected in order to help us through life. In Psalm 31:3 we have to see that God is our rock and our fortress and He will lead and guide us. We have to seek Him and His way.


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