Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday Focus #29

Forgiveness, Grace, and Prayer

Wednesday's message was on turning worry into prayer. As stated previously, we worry about many things and try to figure out problems in our lives. There is nothing wrong with problem solving, but we have to remember to go to God too, first even, as we ask for guidance. But, what about that person who hurt you the most? That person who broke your heart. That person who did something so devastating that it occupies your thinking more often than it should. I ask you this, did you forgive them? You may say "They don't deserve forgiveness." That is not a thought of Christ, He would not say no one deserves forgiveness or grace. No one is saying you cannot feel hurt, but free yourself by graciously offering forgiveness knowing that God forgave you for your sins and that we are to forgive others their sins too (Matthew 6:14-15), whether they are sorry or not.

Have you ever heard that not forgiving is like drinking poison in hops to kill the other person? We are all imperfect. We have all done things that have done damage to others, ourselves and our relationship with God. That feeling of regret is needed in order to seek reconciliation of a relationship and to repent and not sin in that way again. Paul teaches us in Ephesians 4:32 that we should be  kind to one another. He teaches that we should tenderhearted. He also says that we should forgive others as God in Christ forgave us. God forgave you and you never asked. God still forgave you. Your friends stole from you, broke your heart, and ruined the friendship. You have to forgive them. God commands it in Matthew 18:21-22. There was no limit to forgiveness, but continued forgiveness which give the allowance of grace.

One way that I heard Pastor Rick Warren say is a good way to learn to forgive is to pray for people. Yes, pray to God for Him to work in that person. It is VERY difficult to be mad at someone when you are praying for God to use them. In 2008 I was having an issue with a couple of people, two different situations. The relationships had faltered or were getting worse. My heart grew bitter and angry. I began praying for each of them. Initially, the prayers were quick. I made sure to do it during times I was not distracted. Eventually the prayers grew in length and strength. I also felt a change in myself where that bitterness was not there anymore. I was following what is found in James 5:16. We are not not only confess our sins to our brethren in Christ (I was doing that), but also pray for them so that we can be healed. Hanging on to bitterness breaks us and we need to heal from that. If you want to heal, forgive someone. Pray for them, consistently. When you start to get bitter at them, pray for them again. Know that Satan attacks all of us. Don't let Satan win. 


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